(no subject)

Mar 08, 2010 19:23

BW Waspinator

Wazpinator juzt gonna say it right here: MEGATRON WAZ BAAAAAAD LEADER.

What kind of leader letz troopz get destroyed on regular basis? Wazpinator want to know, becauze that what kind of leader Megatron waz.

And didn't alwayz let uz do jobz we good at, either. Wazpinator waz pilot. Megatron tell him and Terrorsaur to steal ship, so they steal. Then Wazpinator got to fly...And waz GOOD at it becauze WAZPINATOR IZ GOOD AT SOME THINGZ, DO YOU HEAR HIM, SPIDER-BOT?! Wazpinator iz NOT uzelezz! But then ship crash -which waz NOT Wazpinator'z fault; Maximalz shot down- and Megatron make poor Wazpinator fight, which he not so good at. War needz quick thinking and Wazpinator not quick thinker.

And he never lizzten to uz, not respect uz...Wazpinator not surprized Terrorsaur tried to take over so much. Don't think he would have been any better, but...Not surprized. None of Predaconz on Darksyde would have been better, 'cept maybe Dinobot, before he go trait-y. Maybe.

Iz why Wazpinator quit. Get sick of Megatron and sick of being blowed up, so Wazpinator quit being Predacon. And then ant-bot blowed up Wazpinator. Go fig.

beastwars waspinator, verse: beastwars, prompt: leader

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