(ooc-closed post please, thanks)
IDW Blurr
*He frowns in concentration as he heads to the river. His message list is shrinking but he’s stuck on two.*
*He hears splashing over what is normal for the quiet tributary and looks up, surprised to see Sam in the river.*
Are you fishing? *he calls out.
Bayverse Sam
*The teen turns onto his back in the water so he can face Blurr properly and starts to chuckle.*
Nah, I'm swimming. Want to join?
IDW Blurr
*Grins and moves into the river.* Think it’s too shallow for me to swim.
*He sits down in the water.* You know, I think you might be able to help me. What’s a frenemies?
Bayverse Sam
*Laughs and splashes a bit* You can improvise, like you just did. XD *Waves at Blurr's sitting down position*
*Hums and swims towards Blurr* Frenemies you say? What do you want to know?
IDW Blurr
What does that mean?
Bayverse Sam
*Swims closer and wades next to Blurr's sitting form*
Have you ever heard the term, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer?"
IDW Blurr
*He nods.* Sounds familiar, but I don’t remember where I heard it.
Bayverse Sam
Well frenemies is kind of like that.
IDW Blurr
*He thinks for a moment.* Thundercracker. He was my enemy, and I don’t really trust him, but at the announcement party we were talking a little. Without the gunfire, he was ok.
Is that what you mean?
Bayverse Sam
*hums under the water bubbles forming and nods his head.* Yeah that's basically it. hide didn't believe in frenemies until he came here.
IDW Blurr
Interesting. I’d never heard the word before. *He kicks of his reply to the Royalty beyond, and grins down at the human.*
And what do you consider your strengths?
Bayverse Sam
*laughs and splashes about* Those things again? Well my strengths I guess you can say are running away really fast when need be? What about you?
IDW Blurr
*Chuckles.* By an odd chance, I’m really good at running too. *He grins* But my greatest strength isn’t how fast I run, but how fast I think.
Bayverse Sam
Which is good if your in a tight situation. *starts to laugh* I guess you can say that I think fast too. *mumbles* everyone says it's cuz I'm an extortionist.
IDW Blurr
*He laughs* Then I’ll be extra careful about what I say to you.
*A sudden bright, and smug, grin.* Wanna see what real speed can do?
Bayverse Sam
*eyes get a glint to them* I was always a sucker for hot and fast cars.
IDW Blurr
*He stands.* You’ll have to get on the shore though. *His grin turns very smug.*
Bayverse Sam
*rolls his eyes* your just gonna let me swim there and not offer me any help?
IDW Blurr
Help? *He blinks*
Bayverse Sam
*snickers and reaches the shore and starts to pat himself dry with a towel he brought* Yes, help. *Doesn't elaborate any further*
IDW Blurr
*Genuinely lost and confused.* Huh? *Waving it off, he walks up to the shore.* Stand back. *A smirk curves his lips.* Watch this. *When he’s sure the human is out of the way, he darted forward, got to speed, and then stepped out onto the river. He could hear Sam’s sharp inhalation, and laughed as he ran.*
Bayverse Sam
*his breathe is taken away from him and he's at a lost for words*
Wow...just wow.