G1 Bluestreak
*Everyone else in the Shack seemed rather restless these days, some darting in and out and others disappearing for days at a time, and now that Siders was locked up spending some 'quality time' with his proper twin the Datsun was finding himself without housemates again for the moment. Having spent the last of these episodes of housemate-wanderlust by himself in the Shack, he was somewhat unwilling to withstand the silence again and, armed with a couple of empty Energon cubes in his subspace, he wandered out towards the river to see about catching some fish. The fish were tiny, by mech standards anyway, little silver things darting hither and thither around his ankles and he prayed to Primus the little critters didn't swim their way under his leg plating because that would be terribly awkward and he wasn't sure how he'd get it out without killing it.*
*Having wandered some distance down the river away from the Shack, he sat himself down, still fish-less, on the embankment for a moment to rest and try to better plan how to catch the elusive little lifeforms, when several of his previously ignored messages, as well as a couple new ones, decided to flash on his HUD with a decided amount of urgency. He sighed lightly, mulling over the first of them for a moment before he looked back to the water, tracking the movements of the little fish around his peds*
Smokescreen always liked taking chances because he liked gambling and sometimes it really did pay off in the end but more often than not it got him into a lot of trouble like that time that he gambled away Prime and some of the others and then had to go and gamble more to get them back and I don’t really understand why he thought that gambling more would fix anything when gambling was what got him into trouble in the first place but I guess it’s fun to him or something, but I don’t really think it’s all that fun because I kinda tend to lose a lot more than he does and a lot of people say it’s because he cheats but why would he cheat when it’s all luck anyway and why are games like that fun in the first place? I like board games better, personally, like Chess and Daniel has one he was teaching me called Chinese Checkers and he wasn’t really sure of the rules of it himself because there’s a lot more colors than we had for players and we couldn’t decide if we were supposed to split the colors evenly between us or if we were just supposed to each chose one color and stick to it or what and he lost the instruction book that came with it so we ended up using all the marbles for one of his racing tracks instead because that was really fun sometimes to design these different tracks with vertical loops and things and watch the marbles roll faster and faster so they could make it all the way around and they’re so tiny so they just zip right by and it’s kind of like that time that Wheeljack and Perceptor were trying to study perpetual motion by making a little track like that and seeing if they could get the marbles to keep rolling indefinitely without the aid of an outside energy source which they sometimes argued about anyway because if they were putting the marble into the track and starting it rolling then they were the outside energy source, weren’t they? Daniel liked to call them ‘roller coasters’ and he said that humans made large-scale tracks like those that they could actually ride in and go around and around and get all dizzy and sometimes people got sick on them and even knowing they were going to get sick they got on it anyway and took the chance to see if they got sick or not which I guess is kinda like Smokey’s gambling.
Some games were more fun than others, though, like I think that Trivial Pursuit is kind of boring but that’s probably because the only mech that wants to play with me is usually Rewind and he knows everything about trivia and that I guess that gives him an unfair advantage sometimes so I always end up losing and nobody else ever wants to play but I guess I don’t really mind because I always rather liked Rewind and Eject but they always stayed with Blaster and I didn’t really get to see them that often. But it was nice when they would play games with me - sometimes they had the really late shift because they spent most of their time recharging in Blaster’s deck so even though Blaster needed to recharge at the end of the duty cycle, they could work a shift without him and that was when I usually saw them, when they were coming off shift and I was still online watching the television or something and Eject would ask if he could watch the Sports Channel with me and I didn’t really mind even though I didn’t understand most of the human sports (and there’s a lot of them) but it always made me feel better when it was quiet to have them around because they get excited really easy over simple things that they like and I guess I do too but they were always fun to watch when Eject would start demonstrating wrestling moves and Rewind was in a headlock still telling him the number of times the full-nelson has been used in official matches as the finishing move. They’re both really smart even if people try to overlook them, and I guess that’s one of their strengths, because people kind of relate them to Rumble and Frenzy and so they just kind of get dismissed as being like the other cassettes but they’re really not, I don’t think, because they might be small and sometimes act a little hyper, but then I think all mechs get a little hyperactive once in a while, they do their jobs really well and Rewind knows tons of different languages and can decode things really fast and Eject puts all his sports knowledge into fighting when he has to and he’s a really good… uh… what’s he call it? ‘Goalie’? Something about… hockey, I think. I don’t remember exactly right now but he’s good at keeping mechs away from their ‘goal’ when he needs to.
I really sort of miss them since coming to the Nexus but then I never really saw them that much to begin with but it was nice knowing they were there because they were fun bots to be around when they were around and I don’t know where they were most of the time when Blaster was at the parties because I never really saw them there and I can’t imagine they were recharging in his deck when he was acting as the speakers for the music but I’m sure they were comfortable wherever they were. I never really liked the parties for the party part, myself, but it was nice to hear everyone together singing and laughing and having a good time and they rarely noticed that I was there or that I wasn’t talking but they’ve gotten used to tuning me out in the first place so I guess if you don’t pay attention to something you don’t really notice when it’s not there, but I didn’t mind because I just liked that everyone was together and happy and having fun and the music was always so loud I couldn’t hear myself thinking and that sometimes helped me to fall into recharge on the couch and a lot of mechs probably thought I just drank myself offline because a lot of bots do that at parties and I have sometimes too but mostly just the noise helps me sleep, so much life going on around me, drowning out all the bad things my processor tries to dig up. I wonder if that’s some sort of subroutine that glitched, maybe, that I can’t forget the bad things, but then there’s other mechs that are the same way I guess and they seem to be able to squash down the bad thoughts and focus on what’s going on in the here and now and not think about the past because the past is gone and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Not anymore, anyway. But then there’s good things in the past, too, and mechs draw a lot of comfort from those, and then they’re sad again because they can’t have those good things anymore and then where’s the balance between sad and happy if the good in the past reminds you that it’s gone and the past isn’t the present? Kup once told me I just think too hard about things like that and get myself caught in a loop and I haven’t really spoken much to Kup, the Kup here in the Nexus or the Kup back in my own world, but he’s a lot like Ironhide in some ways that he’s seen a lot and he won’t always…uh… Sparkplug called it ‘sugar coating’ I think? He won’t always ‘sugar coat’ things when you need him to be blunt and sometimes just smack you in the helm to get it all the way through. Ironhide definitely has no reservations about ‘knocking sense into a mech’ which sounds kind of funny because how can you knock sense into a mech without knocking something else loose and then it kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? Though I think Ratchet often tried to use the same methods but he knew how to put stuff back if it got knocked loose and sometimes it just seemed like no matter how much he smacked some mechs they never got any smarter. He’s smacked me once or twice but not nearly as much as he has to Sideswipe or Wheeljack and Jazz is usually too quick even if he maybe sorta deserves it and manages to get away before Ratchet lands a solid hit. But it’s normal for him, and everyone says that Ratchet really does love us despite us driving him nearly glitched with worry and work and everything else, and I don’t know any mech that can say that Ratchet yelling and ranting in the medbay while they’re on the table being pieced back together isn’t comforting, because if he’s yelling then everything’s going to be okay. It’s kind of a rule of thumb, though why thumbs have rules I’m not entirely sure, but maybe I should ask Maggie, she might know…
*Standing again in a crouch, he tries to get closer to the fish to catch one in his cube, only to overbalance and fall into the shallow water, knees buried into the mud and silt as he pulled himself up to sit, glancing around at the distinct lack of fish now around him.*
Aw... hexagonal nuts...
[ooc: Open thread, he's pretty well out in the middle of nowhere so anyone that wants to harass him, feel free~]