G1 First Aid
*is sitting propped up on a repair berth in the Autobot Medbay witha datapad in hand, still too sore to move much after his
adventure with the tornado, but feeling well enough to work on the notes he's been taking of the different model types and particular medical needs of 'bots from different universes. He pauses for a moment as he's pinged by the prompt.*
Hello there again, prompt-being. *murmurs to the poor, lonely being First Aid is imagining somewhere, doing its best to communicate and learn about them. Of course, it could be an evil force, gathering information for some nefarious, unfathomable purpose, but First Aid doesn't tend to think along those lines* Feeling like some company are you?
Comfort...I don't like seeing anyone in pain; that kind of comes with the medical programming I guess. The physical pain is straightforward enough. Depending on the species and universe I can use various drugs and pain killers, deactivate pain sensors, block neurocircuitry, or put someone into stasis if necessary. Ratchet has that EMP technique I keep meaning to ask him about...*makes a note on his datapad*
I'd like to make all the pain go away, but sometimes I can't, and...well. Pain is there for a reason. 'Bots who manage to tamper with their programming and tune down their pain sensors, thinking it will give them an advantage in combat, usually don't survive long.
The other part of being a medic, the mental comfort, that's harder, but it's just as important as fixing the physical injuries. Processor, frame, and spark, they're not all separate things; each one affects the other. When I'm trying to comfort a patient...some patients don't want to know the details, they just want to trust you, and believe that everything's going to be all right. Some patients find more comfort in the truth, no matter how hard it may be to hear. Some are stronger than they realize, while others think they can handle anything until it's their own energon that's leaking onto the ground. Every patient is different. You get a sense, after awhile, of what each one wants, or needs, in order to heal and you do your best to say the right words in the right way...but sometimes...*shakes head, thinking of patients that were beyond all comforting*...well, you do your best.
*is pinged by the prompt a second time, and tilts head curiously* Not enough? *is pinged again* Comfort...comfort...um...what else...let's see...do you mean...*is having trouble getting his processor around to the idea*...do you mean, what do I do for comfort? *is pinged a fourth time, and laughs* OK ok, I think I get it.
Well...*ponders a moment*...cleaning and organizing the medbay, that always makes me feel better. Um...*shifts a little on the berth, feeling the soreness in his joints and struts*...a nice hot oil bath would feel pretty comforting about now, but I don't think we've got one of those set up yet.
Hot Spot...*voice falters for a moment* Hot Spot always knew...knows...what to do, to make me feel better. He would...*stops talking, bowing his head and struggling for composure* Primus, guys, I miss you...
(ooc: I'm in and out tonight - Feel free to stop by, although First Aid's probably not up for doing repairs. He'd gladly try, but it might earn the wrath of one or all of the Ratchets ;D )