UT Alexis
talking to UT Starscream via comm over her cell phone, helping to
cheer up G1 Rodimus Prime,
messaging with Mikaela and
talking to Devcon, she finds herself feeling numb after the last and wishing she could do something to change how she feels. She writes in her palm pilot again as she walks along the path to the medbay.*
Erase the silence. )
*buzzing about the trees, because that's what Woobie Bug does sometimes; he likes green and shade and being outside where he can see the sky*
*notices the human in the tree and flies in a little loop, suddenly distracted with wondering if he knows her or not*
Hello...? *a tilt of the head as she leans forward a little on the branch.*
*flits a little closer at the greeting* Hi! :D
I've never seen a Transformer like you before. What's your name?
Wazpinator iz Wazpinator!
...What you doing in tree? Humanz not uzually in treez...
That name fits you well, Waspinator-san. My name is Alexis.
*transforms and perches on a nearby branch, looking very at home in the tree*
Still haven't explained why you in a tree.
It must be fun getting to fly all over the place, right Waspinator-san? I often wonder what he... what it would be like to be able to fly without anything holding me back. *she said swiftly to cover the previous thought ahe had originally wanted to give words to.*
Oh...Wazpinator likez treez for thinking, too.
Flying IZ fun. Iz bezt thing ever! Well, besidez some...other thingz :3
*pauses; he doesn't even notice her little change in phrasing there* Whaz that you keep calling Wazpinator? *curious*
Waspinator-san? Uhm, san is an honorific from my native language, Japanese, that is used to give respect in a platonic way for aquaintances or male friends. It's kinda complicated.
...Wazpinator iz not uzed to being rezpected.
I think everyone deserves respect, whether they think they do or not. I tried to give that to Starscream but... Things are complicated...
Wazpinator haz alwayz had bad luck...And doezn't quite process right. Lotz of other-botz think he dumb 'cauze of that *shrug* Predaconz don't respect otherz who are dumb...And Maximalz juzt don't respect Predaconz.
*she blushed at the speech she just gave and sighed.*
Then again things are easier said than done and people tend to lose sight of what's important until it's too late.
Wazpinator knowz way it should be...And knowz way it iz *shrugs; he's accepted the lot life gave him*
But Wazpinator also know iz different here. Haz Autobot friendz here, and whole family of Seekerz on hiz side. And he haz hiz trine. Iz good here *punctuates with a nod*
This forest is really beautiful. I can see why you like flying all around here, Waspinator-san.
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