Apr 25, 2010 22:36
[OOC So I haven't applied for a location or anything; this is just a meeting spot. I figure that's all right but mods, if that's not OK, please tell me.
And this is not seen by anyone. Feel free to notice Mikaela's new jewelry without knowing why, though.]
*Megatron waits for Mikaela in a small, secluded area. It's rocky -- perhaps somewhat near the other Megatron's cave, but far enough away to be secluded. He's chosen it so that the human can stand on one of the rock ledges and be easier to reach when he hands her the device... without, of course, quite reaching his eye level*
*He removes the two pieces, formed into the shape of a pair of hoop earrings like those he has seen Mikaela wear. These are silver in color, since being too obvious would defeat the purpose, but flash purple in the proper light.*
*They are also well-crafted, he notes. As strange as he finds Scorponok and his technorganic kin to be, the medic is apparently quite skilled.*
*Holding the earrings carefully in his hand, he watches Mikaela walk toward him, smiling to cover weariness from the long walk*
*he says the word warmly, as a human might affectionately say "mangy little mutt" to a pet dog*
I have a gift for you.
*he lays his hand down in front of her, shaking it a little bit so the bright metal catches the light*
Pretty, aren't they? And delicate.
*smirks slightly*
But they are more than simply an adornment. They have a use as well. If you intend to gather information for me, you must have a way of reporting back to me and to Soundwave [OOC: his player may not be around much, not sure how work is with her right now]. You do have a primitive piece of technology for that, but it can be easily tracked, should anyone decide to. And anyone suspicious of you can ask to take it from you.
These function similarly to the commlinks that we have installed in all of our frames. They are programmed to allow you to communicate with me and with Soundwave.
*and to allow them to track her, of course, but he's not going to be telling her that part*
*smile widens*
You have amused me in the past, human. More consistently than I would have expected. And you clearly have ingenuity for one so small and weak. Consider this a reward for that.
But know that no reward comes without its price. Amusement alone is not enough.
*optics flashing red*
Now it is time to make yourself truly useful. To prove yourself worthy of the favor I have given you.
We both know you want this opportunity, human. I offer it to you now.
Take it, and show me what you are capable of.
g1 megatron