Well, yeah, there’re kinda many variations on “punishment” like…
- “Hey, you slagged a ‘con while he was retreating”-punishment
- “You slagged a fellow Autobot (for several possible reasons)”-punishment
- “You insulted the Prime in front of one of your officers”-punishment
- “You trusted humans and now get your comeuppance”-punishment
- “You trusted a Decepticon and now get your comeuppance”-punishment
…and so on.
Oh yeah, and of course the “You pissed the medic off”-punishment… which I got like every time when I was in medbay.
I wasn't often given a punishment that I liked. Okay, sure, it’s the meaning of “punishment”, but seriously, now and then they were fun.
…my universe’s Prowl and Optimus aren’t here, so I can tell you this: punishment in the form of a few cycles in the brig? Hey, that’s like a vacation, and I enjoyed it every time! Because when the ‘cons attacked, I'd already got out.
I mean, fighting is the only reason the ‘bots keep me around. *shrugs* Would be a bit counterproductive if they let me rust in a brig while they have trouble battling the ‘cons.
One time back in Iacon, Prowl tried another way to punish me, and ordered monitor duty for several days, but it didn’t work that well. Red Alert was in command of the monitor room, and I think he was kinda freaked out by me. I never did anything to him, at least nothing I can remember, but he was scared like slag when I entered the room.
…I can’t even say if I ever talked to him before that cycle… *shrugs*
But he was one twitchy mech. There was nothing on the monitors, and he zapped through every camera we had in a record time of 1.683 kliks. And there were quite a lot cameras out there! I don’t know, maybe Red Alert got a triple speed processor combined with a better optic-audio-sensor setting than an average mech, or maybe he was just extremely nervous and hadn’t got his fingers under control…
The humans have something called “Parkinsons”, don’t really know what that is, besides the symptoms. Ratchet tried to explain it at some point, but I didn’t get it. Somewhat about hormones or so? Whatever… anyway, humans suffer from it and shake like crazy. Like they’ve been electrocuted, and I tell you, Red Alert acted exactly like this.
It couldn’t be because of hormones, since we don’t have any… Maybe there was something wrong with his hydraulic fluid? Not that I cared, though. *shrugs* Only think about it because his twitchy digits made me twitchy as well. But I didn’t do anything creepy, I swear!
When about half the shift was over, Red Alert walked out and Prowl commed me a klik later that I could go… I wasn’t angry, because the work was boring, but still… I wonder what I'd done that the mech was so scared. *chuckles, quite amused*
Though, once I got a punishment that was really… hard. I mean, it was only guarding a ‘con in the brig at level Zero, but… Yeah, I bet Prowl didn’t even know that this was a real punishment for me. I don’t have that many good memories of this place. Not that I was ever imprisoned there or anything, but… *becomes quiet* Like I said: I don’t have the best memories regarding level Zero…