[G1 Prowl]
If find gardening to be a most fascinating art when done appropriately, the cultivation and maintenance of such space has proven to be a very relaxing and empowering activity. Likewise, to sit down merely to enjoy one helps to relax and appease the processor and provides with a few moments of peace and relaxation, and for quiet
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*all excited* Oh, Wazpinator almozt forgot about garden! Haz been so crazy at medbay lately...
*flits around, visiting all the flowers and the bees and everything* Will have to make Terrorsaur come look too...Iz so nice! <3
*smiles, glad to see Waspinator visiting* Hello, Waspinator. Please make yourself at home, I hope you will like what I've done so far. Your help was very valuable to me.
*excited little twitch* Wazpinator lovez! Iz good to see so much green...Waz too much dirt and lava, not enough flowerz near Darksyde and Wazpinator did not like; waz plain and boring. Iz good having lotz of flowerz~ Nice and pretty :3
*is kind of loopy; flowers make him a happy bug indeed*
I can sympathize, our base used to be in a desert, not exactly the greenest and most colorful of places. *chuckles* I'm glad you're enjoying it then. The central piece has the brightest red flowers I could find at the moment. Hopefully I'll be able to expand some more and have better flower beds. *is quite amused at how happy Waspinator seems to be about the flowers*
Red flowerz are good! Red iz good and cheerful *solemn nod*
Wazpinator going to spend some time with the beez, he thinkz. Make sure no one goez near them...
*nods* Of course, the colony is in that direction *points towards the direction the bee colony is set up* Have fun and let me know if there is anything that needs to be done or changed.
Okay~ Will do, doorwingz! *flutters off, rolling through the sky happily*
*watches Waspinator go and optics flicker a few times* ...Doorwings?
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