For a number of technical reasons, although it was my intention that people only vote for one character in the
first poll, a bunch of people voted for two. (Don't blame yourselves, this is mostly the fault of LJ's poll option limits and how browsers deal with radio buttons.)
So--sorry to bother you all again, but the simplest solution to the problem seemed to be to do a run-off vote! This time, you may only vote for one character; the listed characters got two or more votes the first time around.
As a reminder--this is a poll to choose the star of the June Not-Necessarily-Porn Character Party! See
the last post for details. They're going to be structured like the Cyclonus Porn Parties, only less porny and about a different character every month. In a week or so I'll announce the winner and request prompts for the party!
ETA: The poll is closed! Please go
here to leave prompts for the Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime Party!
Poll Who do you want to star in June's Character Party? For those of you who just can't get enough of Cyclonus (how could there be enough Cyclonus?!), the
Last Cyclonus Porn Party is still open for business! Go check out the fic and art, and see if any of the prompts catch your interest today. XD