This has been a long time coming...

Mar 18, 2010 11:14

Title: A Time for Trust
Author: toyzintheattik 
Pairing: Implied: Starscream x Megatron and Prowl x Lockdown
Rating: T
Warnings: Mild violence, tf cussing, the odd crackiness, angst 
Continuity: TFA Based after Season 3 Endgame as a continuation of the series
Summary: Blackarachnia finds an inventive way to resurrect the dead, the 'cons esacape from the EG and everyone finds themselves servos deep in doom back on Cybertron. Plenty of action, humor, romance, sci-fi and G1 nods, and a little Cybertronian history

Why I like it:

First of all it continued TFA season 3 which we all agree had a rather disappointing ending. It's literally an epic story, spanning from Earth to Cybertron. The characters are well written, thought out and the plot is just pure excitement, with humour, angst and action from start to finish. I loved it so much that I agreed to collaborate with her on another project she's working on that follows on from this, along with antepathy that's how much we fell in love with this story and these characters.

It is written in a mix of mostly screen play and novel styles. Now if you're normally one to shy away from screenplays (I know I am), I urge you to read this and be converted. I haven't read any other screenplay fic that comes close to this in standard. I think there's a squeee worthy moment almost every chapter.

So if you're a fan of TFA and want to read a fic that continues the series with such believability you wish she was writing for the show, then this is the story for you.

A Time for Trust - Trust me TFA fans you'll love it!

genre: angst, genre: drama, genre: crack, character: decepticons, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: humour

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