ultharkitty was kind enough to let me step in and offer themes from time to time to get the squee rolling in. Last week, I posted a recommendation for an
"older" TF fic, and it got me thinking that there are probably other folks who have come into the fandom in the last few years who, like me, might appreciate some recommendations for older stories. So, for the month of May, in addition to any other recommendations you'd like to make, our theme is: Oldies But Goodies.
So, what makes a fic an oldie? How about anything 2008 or earlier. Yes, that is an arbitrary date (and not that old), but will still allow recs from the old kinkmeme and some earlier Movieverse fics, as well as many other continuities. And, if you have a burning need to squee about something slightly newer, don't let the arbitrary date stop you.
There is no limit to the number of fics you can squee about, just please abide by the
community rules and posting guidelines.
Tagging: In addition to the usual
character, continuity and ratings tags, please use the 'theme: oldies' tag
Any questions, or suggestions for future themes, please leave a comment, send me or
ultharkitty a PM :D