Hi everyone :D The
poll is now closed, and 'favourite stories to re-read' won out as our new theme! Please do come along and rec some fics :D
And now, a roundup of our previous theme: Rare or uncommon pairings/threesomes/moresomes.
The Number One Reason Never to Listen to Mirage, G1, Jazz/Megatron, R.
Toys, and In Defiance of Geometry and Common Sense, G1, Motormaster/Breakdown, sticky, NC-17.
My Commander, TF:Prime, Steve the Eradicon/Starscream, tentacles, tactile, NC-17.
Truth, a Bullet, G1, Blades/Vortex, R.
As always, non-themed squee is very welcome, and I'll certainly be including that in the roundups as well. I've updated the master list, but if you can see anything I've missed please let me know.