Indefinite ObjectsAuthor:
DwimordeneRating: K+
Continuity: 07 movie
Characters: Maggie, Glen and Ratchet
Length: ~6,000 words
When I saw the new theme was science, I knew I had to recommend this little gem of a story. It's not specifically about science, it's about mathematics and logic, but they are the basis of many sciences so I felt that this story fit with the theme.
Maggie comes up with an idea and in her own way, attempts to prove it to herself and then to Glen. Is the idea true or false? In an elegant bit of theorizing, Maggie does her best to prove the theory but at the end of the story, the question is once again thrown into doubt.
I love this story because it's not cut and dried, because it raises very good questions, and because it makes me really think about my fandom in the context of the real world. Plus it's so easy to read because the author is a very good wordsmith.