From this point forward, I solemnly swear that when an idea pops into my head, I will immediately write it down on any available surface (including my hands), no matter how bad I feel or how far away I am from the computer or paper and pencil. Because I'm really tired of loosing good ideas because I think I'll remember them when I go to write them down a few hours later.
1. Someone gets it into their processor that the best way to save those they love are to kill them all.
2. Many Transformers are very surprised, and quite shocked, about how much an organic body is like a machine (how it functions). They are also surprised by how much their bodies are like an organics, pleasure, pain and other responses like that.
3. The majority of Cybertronians think that combining organic and mechanical body parts is sacrilegious.
4. Since energy cannot be destroyed, what happens to the energy when the shell housing it dies?
5. Before the war, those with special abilities hid them very well. How these gifts worked was understood by very few, and even among those that studied them, a great deal was still unknown. If a mech was to come out with any sort of 'abnormal' ability it was most likely that he would be ostracized from mainstream society. However, during the war, these gifts were of great use and highly prized among the military. Now that the war is over, how do these mechs deal with a society that hasn't really changed it's views and beliefs a great deal?
Inspired by the show Psychic Children on the Bio Channel.
6. It must be extremely frustrating to be a police officer in Cybertron society. After all, many cases are solved because of DNA evidence (yes, I know about CNA ), or the body of the victim. And after a Transformer is killed, one can easily turn the body into a table and no one would be the wiser. Kind of like that one story, can't remember the title for the life of me. Where the wife killed her husband with a frozen leg of lamb, cooked the lamb and then convinced the police officers to eat it so it couldn't be tracked back to her.
7. A Transformer with the alt mode of a woodpecker. Not a regular sized one, but larger, like how Scorponok or Ratbat use bigger forms of organic creatures. Because I bet that if they were in the middle of a fight and the woodpecker 'Former were to go up to the leader of the opposite faction and just start pecking at the helm of the enemy like crazy, many soldiers would simply stop and laugh their afts off.
8. Slight crossover. In his profile it says Ratchet is one of the very best medics on Cybertron, there's a reason for that. It also says that his patients often have a hard time connecting with him on a personal basis. There's a really good reason for that, too. You see, Ratchet has a gift, the ability to bring back any mech he touches back to life, no matter how long they've been dead or the severity of their injuries. And the reason why he's not the most sociable of mechs is that if he touches that mech again, they will go permanently offline, and there won't be anything he can do about it.
9. A fic based off this picture;
When road rage gets out of hand. Bonus points if it's an Aerialbot.
10. "When some mechs find out that I have a glitch that prevents me from lying, they think it a weakness. When really, it is a gift. After all, with practice and an intelligent mind, you can easily say one thing while meaning something else entirely."
11. From Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask. Starchild: are the undead of this world. They roam aimlessly, often awaiting for the final word from someone they once respected. Rumor has it that several of the Starchilds here are looking for the final approval of their captain.
12. It is well known that Ratchet is one of the hardest working medics around, doing everything in his power to save the lives of his patients, even to the extent of going without recharge on a regular basis. What no one knows is that there's another reason he seeks to stay away from the berth as long as possible. He suffers from
somniphobia. 13. Cassettes = sparklings, minibots = younglings and big mechs = adults. Wonder if that makes triple changers the next step up the age ladder?
14. Extreme Cybertronian body modification.
15. Has anyone noticed how different the faces of the Transformers are while on Earth compared to back on Cybertron? Just how far would a Cybertronian go to blend in with a new world?
16. Batman, Superman, Spider-man, Daredevil, Hellboy and other super heroes as their Cybertronian counterparts.
17. Art. Transformers as Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus.
18. But Autobots had been created with a hole in their spark. A hole that no possession, power or knowledge could fill.
19. It is commonly believed that when one twin dies they both die. That is untrue. In reality what happens is that the spark will join with its partner, the one it was split apart from at birth, and finally become whole again.
If You Still Believe, Legend of Dragoon opening theme. OR
Lyrics only 21. With all the fuss over the 2nd Amendment I had a sudden thought. It's the end of the war, and a group of mechs thinks that it's a good idea to limit weapons to those only trained for it, the rest of them won't be allowed to own them, or at the very least, anything deemed military grade. A few though, take the concept even farther, saying that it would be best to ban all weapons in general. Would be interesting how that ban would affect those with purely weapon based alt modes like Megatron or Shockwave.
22. I think this was done somewhere else before, but, Transformers version of Skippy's List.
23. In a lot of sticky fics, mechs tend to have both a valve and a spike. So, using the logic that we're still using genderless robotic creatures, and that mechs can reproduce as well, and the only difference between the two are build and nothing else, doesn't that mean that femmes would have both a valve and a spike too?
24. "I've got sunshine in a bag. I'm useless, but not for long. The future is coming on."
Clint Eastwood; Gorillaz
25. Concerning the previous lethescriptosis bunny; Perceptor creates a machine that captures stray/lost thoughts.
26. I'm making sense of shattered dreams
Because I want you to be proud of me
What about my problems?
The people try to solve them?
I guess I'm under the weather
Since no one else belongs here with me....
We Are Pilots; Shiny Toy Guns. 27. I know nothing of your kind, and I won't reveal your evil mind.
Breath; Breaking Benjamin. 28. Now I've made my bed, I'll lie in it.
I've made my bed, I'll die in it.
Miss World; Hole 29. So you can survive when law is lawless.
Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead.
No squealing, remember (that it's all in your head)
Clint Eastwood; Gorillaz
30. Ratchet has donated so many of his own parts to repairing certain bots that he might as well be a part of them.
(Could also be a unique look at Cybertronian family ties, where if you donate so many parts or certain vital parts, you basically become a sister/brother/what have you to them.)
31. Just noticed in looking close at the Divine Dragon from Legend of Dragoon, he has Movie!Seeker legs! Maybe one of the Seekers takes on the dragon as an alt form.
32. "Of course, I am sure you will agree that the core mission of any scientific endeavor is to find creative solutions to…unexpected problems."
Red vs. Blue Reconstruction 10
33. "A true leader doesn't seize power. He's given it by his followers." -- Perceptor
From the wiki entry about democracy, or lack thereof, in Cybertronian culture. No seriously, who's been altering the wiki?
34. "Well just because I understand it, doesn't mean I have to accept it."
35. "We may be one species, but that doesn’t make us one race."
36. What with all the rewriting of codes and programming around here, who's to say the war, or even anything really, isn't just some dream imprinted into the minds of mechanical patients, perhaps as a kind of psychological experiment by an alien species?
37. Red Alert's paranoia doesn't only stem from the fact that he used to be a thief, but that he was actually the guild master for the local thieves guild on Cybertron.
38. Speaking of guilds, what would the guilds on Cybertron be and who would be in charge of them/who would the members be, and rival guilds as well?
39. The reason Perceptor was kicked out of the Science Academy was because he tried to explore one of the forbidden branches of science; alchemy.
40. Many of the worst diseases on Cybertron can be cured by water. When the Cybertronians find out that water literally falls from the skies on Earth, our little planet becomes a sort of pilgrimage for all the ill and dieing Transformers. OR;
41. In Transformers lore there was always the legend of a place where not only would there be bountiful energy in an array of sources, but it would be a place that could heal mechanoid life from a miraculous liquid. A place where there will be no strife between mechanical beings. Autobots and Decepticons alike are stunned when they find Earth and how well it fits into the myth. And are unsure at first on how to proceed. (kind of like a garden of eden thing.)
I can no longer hear the word miraculous without hearing it in Movie! Bumblebee's voice. He'd probably purr very well.
42. You can't be suspicious of a tree, or accuse a bird or a squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet. -Hal Borland, journalist
Red Alert would like to take you up on that challenge. Of course trees are suspicious things, doesn't anyone have an ounce of common sense anymore? I think Red shouldn't be allowed to watch Lord of the Rings again.
43. You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. -John Wooden, sports coach
44. So, after looking around a bunch of different writing challenge groups, I found one that some people with a preoccupation for a certain science type might like.
Science Geek 45. The Wish Lists of the different bots in each branch/department; science, special ops, communications, weapons, etc.
46. Skyfire's mentor was Soundwave. There was more to this, but I can't remember what.
47. Can't learn to tell the truth until you've learned to lie.
There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive.
Life Is Beautiful; Sixx A.M 48. There was a bunny a while back that said something along the lines of being able to blow up nothing, and that it was Wheeljack and thus he was Primus. Combine that with a few other bunnies and you get this:
Primus = Wheeljack
Gaia = Perceptor
Unicron = Ratchet
49. Someone makes a remote control, or some other type of device, that allows them to control the motor functions of a group of mechs for a short period of time. This individual, instead of doing something meaningful with this new device, decides that making the Seeker trine do the Chicken Dance would be the best course of action. Because I've watched Halo Music Video Hell way too many times.
Geek in the pink. Jason Mraz You might regret what you let slip away. Like the geek in the pink.
51. Sudden thought. The bots would probably be extremely confused the first time they met a human woman on her period, especially if she's lucky like me and has rather severe symptoms. Then they would most likely completely flip out when they learn what a woman goes through every month.
????: "You bleed for an entire week, and that's NORMAL?!"
And Ratchet would find a way to make all the symptoms go away without any of the nasty side affects our medicine has and womankind all over the world would worship him.
Random Pairing Generator
Thrust / Megatron / morals
Soundwave / Perceptor / children
Unicron / Hound / my bad
Prowl / Grapple / kinky
Hot Spot / Grapple / power struggle
Waspinator (BW) / Scorponok (Movie) / anecdotes
Vortex / Scrapper / sunlight
Groove / Snarl / unusual
I'd also greatly appreciate it if anyone would take a look at my
OCs to make sure I haven't turned them into Gary Stues. I feel a little presumptuous for asking this, but I need the critique. Also because they've been hanging out on my journal for a while and they're feeling lonely//subject to a great deal of editing, I need as much help as I can get.