Gotta Catch 'em All!

Jul 20, 2014 12:08

This idea came to me about...10...15 minutes ago. It amused me enough that I decided to share it. It would've been up sooner, but I'm having internet problems.

Crossover with Pokémon. Blaster and/or Soundwave end up in the Pokémon world. They got turned into humans, and their cassettes turned into Pokémon. In an attempt to find a way home, they become trainers. It’s not like it’s that different from what they were doing before. And if they find some other Pokémon cassettes, then at least it won’t be a waste of time.
There’s a lot of cultural misunderstandings.


A Pokémon trainer and their Pokémon (Preferably only the six they had on hand at the time as if a trainer has like a hundred that are hardly used that would be very confusing and hard to write.) ends up in the Transformer world. It can be an OC, a character from the anime, and character from the games, anyone. You can even have more than one trainer, but I wouldn’t use more than three. They somehow get turned into a cassette deck and cassettes. There’s a lot of cultural confusion and misunderstandings at first, but eventually the trainer(s) shacks up with one of the factions in the hopes they can help find a way to replicate the event that brought them here.
It could be awkward if a cassette shows interest in the transformed trainer(s). Obviously, this wouldn’t be too different from getting a new Pokémon, but it could cause problems when it’s time to go home and become organic again.

g1, cassettes, crossover, soundwave, blaster

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