I'm sorry I keep posting frequently. I don't understand why all the sudden these bunnies keep coming to me. I have twenty three bunnies.
1. Any verse: Like Supernatural, what if the Transformers found out they are a tv series? What would be their thoughts?
2. Movie verse: What do the Autobots think of racism?
3. News Reporter: "We’re here at a home where a hand landed in a backyard from the Autobot and Decepticon battle earlier. Joining me is the teenager who found the hand."
The reporter held her microphone in front of the teenager. "What are you planning to do with it?"
"Dude, I’m going to keep it!"
"What are you going to do with a giant hand? What if the Autobot or Decepticon wants it back?"
Teenager: "Finders keepers, losers weepers! Yeah."
"Do you think your parents will let you keep the hand?"
The teenager's face fell. His parents wouldn’t let him keep it. Rotten parents, never letting him have fun. Remembering his parents were at work, he grinned.
"Until they get home and tell me to return it, I’m keeping it."
The reporter turned back to the camera. "In the meantime, let’s hope neither Autobot or Decepticon returns demanding their hand back. This is Sally Jenkins reporting from Channel 6 news."
4. G1 One of the Stunticons gets graffiti.
5. A femme combiner!
6. "You are drawing too much attention. Time for you to die."
7. "Fragger, you teleported into my room! I thought we had an agreement. You don't come in without my permission."
8. "This is why I do not trust the communication lines even if they are encrypted."
9. A weapon malfunctions. “This is not the time to stop working on me, you fragging piece of slag.”
10. A Decepticon sniper shoots Jazz.
11. G1 Red Alert use to be a mercenary before the war. He went by another name. Megatron calls for the mercenary with a job. To kill the officers of the Autobots.
12. Autobots get to be in a parade. Bonus includes a kid touching an Autobot on the leg and having them pointing their weapons on the child.
13. G1 "Bumblebee to Jazz. You got trouble coming."
"What kind of trouble?"
"The kind that has purple insignias."
14. A skunk gets loose in the Ark.
15. G1 Ratchet bunnies.
A. Ratchet being sued for malpractice.
B. Ratchet refuses to work on the Twins anymore.
C. What if Ratchet staged a strike?
D. Ratchet suffers a meltdown
16. Transformers alt mode: sewing machine
17. A thief steals Spike or Sparkplug's wallet.
18. Blades, Air Raid, and Topspin are buried under rubble.
19. G1 Optimus Prime and the officers ask Hound to use a holographic image of a Decepticon loose in the base. It's a test to see what the soldiers would do.
20. G1 A bot is making a crop circle in a desert while invisible. The humans are capturing it live. They think it's an alien. Naturally you would think its Mirage. What if he is being blackmailed to do it? Or someone took his invisible cloak to do it?
21. G1 One of the Aerialbots saves an Autobot that fell off a building structure.
22. Jazz and Blaster comfort Bluestreak. They play soft music to make him recharge.
23. I saw a fanart of Tracks scared of a muddy Bluestreak. I lost the link otherwise I would have shown all of you the link. Can someone do a fanfic?