Jul 22, 2012 17:23
Bunny inspired from my last Bunny and from a story I've been reading called the Left Leg. Been pestering me.
Gestalts links are strong but what if for some reason or another they were not? What if you could mix and match them like Lego bricks?
Would be highly amusing to see what new outcomes you can make from them.
Like the ultimate cute gestalt that turns into CUDDLETRON!
FireFlight, First Aid, Breakdown, Scavanger and Swindle. Who on earth would lead that group? And Cuddletron's main attack would be the hug attack!
Also who would lead a gestalt team made of all the gestalt leaders of Scrapper, Motormaster, Silverbolt, Hotspot and Onslaught? There would be a whole load of conflict there.
Speaking of conflict a gestalt made up of all the hotheads. Slingshot, Blades, Brawl, Drag Strip, and Bonecrusher.
Or a gestalt made of the more even tempered and less volatile. Dead End, Skydive, Long Haul, Blast Off and Streetwise.
And then there would be the SUPERDUPERBANANULTIMATOR gestalt of the just plain nuts and oddballs.
Airraid, Mixmaster, Vortex, Wildrider and ummm poor old Groove.
a. If individuals can combine into a gestalt - Could all those gestalts combine again into the Ultimate Gestalt?
B. Omega Supreme or Metroplex were actually a result of this. But the idea was so foreign and the minds too many that all memories of individuality were lost and now they don't even remember being anything but a single entity
omega supreme,