I’m back and I’m armed! With a batch of bunnies.
All G1
The Autobots and human Tv program.
1) Trailbreaker had seen something disturbing on Tv.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnWKz7Cthkk "Killing a Toyota"
Now he’s afraid of the humans. XD
2) Should the Autobots be concerned about the fascination humans have with Megatron? Since ol’ Megs has a guest part in ‘Family Guy’?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWS2pQ0WtZ0 (I’m surprised nobody has mentioned it.)
3) The twins have seen ‘Pimp my Ride’ Now they’re bugging Ratchet to get the same upgrades. XD (Toasters anyone?)
4) Now I shiver but I have to write this down. ....What if the twins had seen ‘Scare Tactics?’ O.O
(For those who don’t know:
5) Humans are so obsessed with Transformers nowadays. In Germany we even named a ride on the fair after them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdyv2DnSp4w Now what would happen if they ever heard/see how crazy that ride is. And they’re impressed how much the squishies can handle. ^_^ (Personally, I must say I love that ride! *_* It’s a long ride and worth the money! )
6) What if the Autobots played ‘Bomb Jack’ and how come the little guy looks with his horns a bit like Wheeljack and his fins fins? Coincidence? And the bombs too???? o_O
7) Since
wishmywillaway showed us a wonderful website, I copied a few of the ‘facts’. I would love to read them in a fanfic. ^^
-“Bill Gates lives in constant fear that Megatron's PC will crash.”
-“ Megatron knows everything there is to know - Except for the definition of mercy.”
-“ Grimlock is ten feet tall, weighs two-tons, breathes fire, and could eat a hammer and take a shotgun blast standing.” (how true....)
-“Godzilla is a Japanese rendition of Grimlock's first visit to Tokyo.”
-“In Desert Storm the reason why the Iraqi army surrendered so quickly was because they knew Ironhide was coming.”
-“When Smokescreen goes to Vegas, he doesn't have to gamble. The casinos just give him stacks of money.” (Damage control?)
Hope someone adopts a bunny. ^^