These were originally conceived for G1, but no reason they couldn't be in another 'verse.
Number 1
Cybertronians have their very own version of the T-Virus. You know, that thing that makes zombies in Resident Evil. It's called sticky sex.
Now, if one was having spark sex in there too, one need not be concerned. The worst that could happen is that a mech could get up the gestation chamber with a sparkling.
It's just when you're only having the sticky. The protoform construction still triggers and if you don't get down to Ratchet in a reasonable span of time to get it aborted, you'll birth a dead soulless shell. A dead soulless shell hell bent on eating sparks in an attempt to get it's own. 'Cept it's dead, as in not living, and can never host a spark. Instead it just passes it's living deadness along to those it successfully spark sucks, increasing the hungry zombie population. Well, son of a gun.
The worst part is when they escape after bursting free from the womb because you didn't get your abortion. Then you have to chase them down and shoot them.
The Autobots treat the zombie young (called shells) as an annoying problem. It's just another unpleasant, but controllable, facet of war ... and it's not like they'll stop having sexxors.
A) Oh cross species miscommunication, I love you.
Irregardless of their personal opinion of abortion, the rampant public practice of it among the Autobots is disturbing to the humans. Partially because it is so public and casually discussed, when this is a more serious or private business among humans. Partially because robot sex is not something they necessarily wanted to know about (or at least not mention any old time). Mostly, it's the way their robotic friends talk about it: Soulless spawn of Unicron? Wretched corpses? Life-sucking fiends? For a faction that supposedly respects life and sentience ... that's awful cruel and unnecessary talk.
Meanwhile, the Autobots are under the impression that humans have the same zombie problem. There's all this zombie literature. They also abort some of their young. Naturally this, like war, is a problem shared across species lines, making the humans even more 'like us'. They'd probably be horrified to find out that humans abort living young. What possible reason could there be to abort living young?! Asks the race of population-depleted robots who birth the undead.
B) A shell gets loose and before it can be destroyed, attacks a human. The Autobots kill them both (obviously and intentionally crushing the human into paste), under the impression that the human has now caught the 'infection', which they fear could quickly spread amongst their more fragile allies. The humans FREAK THE HELL OUT.
C) Opposite of B. The Autobots believe that the 'infection' can't be spread between their species because humans have no spark. They turn out to be very wrong when a human attacked by a loose shell goes all Resident Evil on every human around him. So the Autobots kill the 'infected' human and everyone he attacked. The humans FREAK THE HELL OUT.
D) The Decepticons do not have the zombie problem at all. It's a shameful secret. They're all mum about it in public because they are decepticons! and decepticons! do not plug'n'play with their sexxors! The sharing of one's most intimate thoughts/processes/firewalls/internal-coding/gestation-chamber-controls is for weak-hearted Autobots! (Even if it originally became so widespread because they were all paranoid of backstabbing ... now they just really like doing it) Pfff! They'd sooner claim to spark bonding! And so what if they have a lot of that too! No one will speak of it, torture will not drag it from them! They have an image to maintain here as conquerors of galaxies and rapers of worlds.
Number 2
Prowl is being wooed. Now if only he would realize it. Instead, all attempts at wooing are being logically explained as something else entirely. Once the impossible is ruled out (that Prowl is being wooed), the explanation that remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
A) Prowl: Tsk tsk. ::viewing the flowers on his desk:: Obviously Ironhide's. ::moves them over to Ironhide's office::
Ironhide: WTF? Whut are these flowers doing here? ::pause:: .... ::looks around:: ... ::puts them on a shelf::
Perhaps all the presents from his admirer are going to the mech one would least suspect. Flowers to Ironhide, energon treats to Jazz, interface toys to Ratchet, parts from decepticons to Optimus Prime. Prowl is becoming annoyed that he's been mistaken for the Cybertronian Postal Service.