1. G1: Cybertronian ghosts: you can't see them or touch them but they most definitely exist, and what you can't do to them they're most certainly able to you. Bluestreak is finding this out in the most horrible way as vengeful spirits try to kill him.
2. Movie: Maggie/Jazz/running out of time
3. Any verse: This is just an idea I'm playing with. In fanfiction we say that there are seeker trines and that they're bonded in some way, sometimes it's a spark bond, mostly it's undescribed. So my brain decided it would create it's own way. So there's this...um, thing, let's call it their "heart" for now, and it's connected directly to the spark. This "heart" is made up of three parts so when you create a trine you give two pieces of your "heart" to your trinemates and they give you two pieces in return so it's sort of a hardline connection to the spark without any actual sparkbonding, it's still just as deep though which is why losing a trinemate is so painful.
But the "heart" is more than a bond with your trinemates it's a connection with all other existing seekers. To my brain this is why seekers are so "clique-y" and most/all of them are Decepticons. The "heart" allows seekers telepathically, and I use this term lightly because there's really no telepathy at but it's not spark-speaking (which is what those with sparkbonds do) either, to each other and feel each others sparks. It's just like a 'oh there he is' thing though, not with all the emotion and thought sharing that goes on in bonds. So....yeah there's that.
4. Any-verse: Unicron does more than just eat the planets physical matter. He eats all the memories, personalities, current thoughts and emotions the very sense of being that come with the inhabitants on the planet because when you're eaten he gets your soul/spark/whatever which is joined with his own.
4b: Unicron's not the only god around after eating a planet full of souls he finds himself swamped in paperwork as the god(dess) of that planet fights through the Gods and Goddesses Supreme Courts to get the souls back.
5. Any: No one ever suspects the leader....to be the traitor.
6. G1: Soundwave discovers that he's more than just receptive with his telepathic powers, he projective too. Which means he can make you think you think, think you thought, something anytime anywhere about anyone and anything and you would never even know the difference.
7. G1: Sideswipe motto for war: Don't think about. Shove all the hurt, confusion and wrong so far down and suffocate it until you can't feel a thing, then paint a glossy cover over it and act like everything's okay. Because eventually after everyone else believes it you will too and it won't matter that you can't damn thing anymore. What could have happened to make him feel like this?
8. G1 or Movie: Bumblebee, the most honest-to-goodness good bot to probably ever exist, will be the first to tell you he's a compulsive liar.You won't believe it of course. Not after what you've already heard. Probably a joke, right? Not really. In fact, that's probably the only honest thing he'll ever tell you, honestly.
8b. Bumblebee's lies start to catch up to him and it's tearing the Ark crew apart.
8c. Bumblebee can't ever tell the truth. He's told so many lies like they were the truth that he really can't discern what's falsehood or reality.
8d. (I tentatively add this) Sunstreaker (sociopath) + Bumblebee (pathological liar) = one dangerous couple that nobody knows about
9.G1: RandomBot: *looks down at now femme self* Wheeljack...I'm sorry but once I'm fixed I'm never coming into your lab again.
Wheeljack: *nods solemnly*
10. TFA: Red Alert was raised as the adopted youngling of Wheeljack and Perceptor during the Great War.
Haha, sorry about the cut title. It's the sarcastic humor lover in me.