Dec 12, 2009 18:15
1. In the movie 'verse, in order to move around on Earth (alt-mode is non-mobile and root-mode is conspicuous in most settings) Scalpel uses facsimile circuitry to project a holomatter shell, similar to the drivers and avatars used in other continuities. He chooses a domesticated animal in scale with his actual size, such as a lap dog or kitten.
1.a. Comedic use or investigation of a litter box.
1.b. Gets 'dominated' by Mojo and or Frankie.
1.b.i Tortures Mojo and/or Frankie
1.c. Gets adopted, against his will, by a human.
1.d. Area pets (or lab or farm animals) and electronic devices start to go missing and/or are found disassembled and not 100% correctly reassembled, human police investigate, and jump to all the wrong conclusions
1.e. A human or animal who was sick or injured later appears completely better (as if successful surgery has taken place or some tiny organisms defeated their illness).
bonus: Wheelie is also involved in small-scale schenanigans
extra-bonus: real gear/appliance bots (like Ejector) are also involved in small-scale mischief.