I'm nuts. But I'm okay with that. The nibbling, however, needs to stop--go nom someone else...

Oct 29, 2009 17:01

It hit me in class. Flew at my face like the Vorpal Rabbit of Caerbannog; nearly took my head off.

Any 'verse if you can make it work, but most definitely AU. The Senate runs Cybertron. It's a Crapsack World (TM), and it ain't much better in prison, especially since the whole damn prison takes up half the planet and Cybertron's the kind of place where anyone can and is thrown in, if the higher-ups so wish it. Means we've got serious offenders who should rightly never see the outside world again crammed in the same place as anyone who did something so mild as to have served a senator the wrong cube of energon for high tea. Everyone we know/don't know is in that complex, as prisoner, guard, or warden. Maybe a psych and a medical team, state-mandated or otherwise. Whoever you are, state your name and reason for being here.

Also, we've got gangs. Two main ones, actually: All those who aren't certifiably and without a doubt guilty of universally-heinous things on that side of the complex, please. Those who are, shove over to the other side, scumbags. Who's going where?

We've also got groupings within the gangs, but that's obvious. All of that's a natural progression--staying with a group, at its most hopefully, a like-minded one, increases one's chance of survival. So, what're you in for?

And the top turbodogs of prison? Fill that in. The top of the top? Fill that in, too.

...I realize that this could actually be a really fun RP group, but I don't have nearly enough in me to even write out/do art for this bunny.

Take my lapin, please.

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