1. That makes no sense! How the hell did they replace (random tf) head that damn fast?! You don't just randomly have spare heads lying around! - I picture a bot or con yelling that when a Combiner show's back up during a battle. Cliffjumper maybe?
2. inspiration music: Z-Trip's,
Breakfest Club.
3. tf.an. - what if, at the last minute, Shockwave had second thought's w/ his position as a spy/'con.
4. "Remove the head, destroy the brain."
5. More inspiration music:
The Fartherest Star - VNV Nation
Batmanbug 7. Those twin cannons look dangerous, proceed with caution. *evil smirk* (I forget where I got that. . .or if it was actually me who said that idk)
pic (middle picture). - make it what you want it to be.
9. We do the
Presentation of the Flag to families after someone in their family has died whom was in the military. Would Cybertronian's have something somewhat similar if they did? How did the war escalating effect this? What would be their thought's when learning about this ritual?
Request. Has anyone done any SG x-over with G1 yet? I'd like to read it :)