Bunnies practice multiplication

Aug 12, 2009 17:39

I apologize for giving you all so many of my bunnies in such a short period, but the bunnies have attacked.  I just survived a three day anime marathon with my cousins and now have quotes stuck in my head as well as plunnies.  Please, someone save me!

1.  So why do they fight anyway? Perhaps the meaning of Cybertronian existence lies within their will to fight. They feel a sense of accomplishment through battle. And it's also a fact that the ones who are actually fighting are never perceived as being tainted.  (Gundam Wing)

2.  My destiny is smeared with energon, and I won't be talked out of this transgression! I'm gonna settle this, Prime!  (Gundam Wing)

3.  History is just like an endless waltz: the first three beats of War, Peace and Revolution continue on forever. (Gundam Wing Endless Waltz)

4.  Surrender? I think you've misunderstood something. This is no surrender. This is an execution!  (Gundam Wing)  I can see a Decepticon saying this.

5.  Together we fly, forever an always.  Even should we be grounded, our wings shattered and us buried away, we will always fly together, even if only in our dreams.

6.  (07 movie verse completely ignoring the 09 movie for this bunny)  I see no conceivably possible way to keep the Autobots under wraps after the attack in Mission City.  The logistics is just to insane and near impossible.  So, now the Autobots have to work their PR.  Part of that PR just happens to include Sam, Mikaela, and Lennox.  But, how do you think Sam and Mikael's  school is going to take having a sentient car sitting out in the parking lot?  How about Lennox's neighbors, you know, the ones that live like half a mile from him with only farmland in between them?   Just how are humans going to react to the Aubtobots?  What if Sam and/or Mikaela get asked to give talks about their friends to academics?

6a.  Mikaela, not Sam, ends up an ambassador to/of the Autobots.  She could be adopted by the Autobots for her actions in Mission City.  So would Sam, but I see him as too spastic to be an ambassador.

7.  She knelt in front of her captors.  They looked down upon the broken female/femme.  Smirks came across their faces as they realized it.  They had won.

8.  Yes, it was a perfect situation.  He had found them, the runners.  Yes, the master would be pleased.  Now, if only he wasn't stuck here too.

9.  (Animated)  He was the perfect little spy.  The stupid Autobots didn't suspect a thing.  Yes, Shockwave was proud of his creation.  Prowl had turned out perfect.

9a.  Corollary- Jazz comes upon Prowl giving a report to Megatron and Prowl is forced to take him down.  However, Jazz is not killed.  Prowl has grown too fond of him for that.  Instead, Jazz would make an awfully nice personal slave.  All it would take is a few behavior modification chips to make it so.

9b.  His final act as a spy before rejoining his creator is to take care of Optimus.

Please, someone adopt a bunny or two.  Take them off my hands.  I really want to see 9 and any of its additions done so bad, but I can't write Animated personalities to save my aft.  I'm willing to beg.

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