Piranha Bunnies

Jun 08, 2009 12:51

  1. If more than one person wants a bunny, go for it.  If you adopt any, please give me a link so I can read the story. ^.^

    I went to an airshow on Saturday at Hill Air Force Base.  Flying plot bunnies.  I love living next to an air force base.  Seeing the jets fly made me squee in fangirly joy.  Sadly they did not fly the F-15 (but the F-14 looks similar enough to make up for it) and I missed the F-22 'cause they flew it on Sunday while I was in church... The F-16's were very pretty though, especially the Thunderbirds which were painted white and blue. They had those ones fly in formation.  I found out that for a jet 130 MPH is really slow and 500 feet is very close to the ground for them to fly.  The bi-planes that were doing stunts were awesome!

    Okay, now onto the real bunnies...

    1.  Jazz is raised by Ratchet. He meets Prowl as a youngling. Prowl's creators are abusive and he spends more time with Jazz and Ratchet than he does at home.

    (The Jazz being raised by Ratchet part was inspired by this: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3787568/24/Breeding_like_PLOT_BUNNIES_previously_WTF )

    2.Prowl's raised as a slave. He's freed when he is nearly an adult (or as a young adult).

a. When Prowl is younger, he goes with the housekeeper to run errands for their masters, they stop at the shop (or whatever type of business...) that Jazz's creator owns because said housekeeper is friends with Jazz's creator. Jazz and Prowl become friends. As Prowl gets older, his master gets more strict with him (after he got into trouble saving one of the younger slaves from getting beaten). Jazz starts to sneak onto Prowl's master's property to visit Prowl.

b. Prowl and Jazz meet because Jazz is one of the mechs on the team that rescues him.

c. Prowl's master gets sick of his disobedience and gives the slave to his son who uses Prowl for fighting. (Not like a gladiator fight, more like how some people fight their pit bulls.)   (* eeps as Prowl glares at me *  Hey, I don't know where these things come from either!)

3. Mirage is a triple changer, or used to be a seeker.

This bunny came about because when I was at Disney Land I saw a toy airplane that was called Mirage. I couldn't stop snickering...

4. Art Bunny: Also at Disney Land, I saw a toy semi that was blue with red flames on it and said Walt Disney World Resort on it. I got a mental picture of Optimus scanning said truck and then getting mobbed by Disney lawyers for copyright infringement.

5. Jazz is a triple changer and a spy. His other alt mode is a seeker and the cons know him as Skywarp.

Which side is he really on? Or does he have his own agenda? The only way I can get this to work is if he is a spy for the cons because with Jazz's position in the autobots he could be randomly gone and blame it on some mission or other. Skywarp, on the other hand would have to have Megatron's permission to be gone so much.

Does he have any real friends or is he just using them to get the information he needs?

Who knows his secret? Just Megatron and Optimus? (Well, technically Optimus wouldn't need to know, Jazz needent specify what source he received information from.) His wingmates would probably have to know.

a. He got close to Prowl to get information that the second in command would be privy to, that he would not, but realizes too late, that he really cares for Prowl. He goes to his wingmates and tells them 'I can't do this anymore.' But how do you tell Megatron no? And how do his wingmates react to his confession about Prowl?

6. This was inspired by a couple of different books I've read...

The Decepticons get a virus that sweeps through their ranks leaving a good lot of the army too sick to do anything or dead. With so many out of commission, there aren't enough cons left to do any energon raids. Those who aren't sick are slowly starving. Megatron's dead and Starscream and Skywarp are sick. The two highest ranking officers left are Soundwave and Thundercracker. They come to the conclusion that they can either go ask the Autobots for help or die. The two of them (mostly due to TC's persuading) decide to ask for help. (I picture the seekers as being fairly young (older teenager, young adultish) because the mental picture of a not quite adult TC asking the Autobots for help has wedged itself into my brain and refuses to leave.)

The Autobots might be nice, but they're far from stupid. They use this as leverage to get the cons to agree to sign a treaty ending the war. What kind of treaty would they write up? Optimus might like to have total equality but do all his officers agree?

optimus, triplechanger, skywarp, prowl, mirage, decepticons, jazz

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