A lot of Suebot artists don't quite understand what 'slash' is. Slash, meaning male/male or female/female relationships. So guess what the TransformSlash group on DA just got flooded with? That's right, TFA Megs getting blown by a furry, orange fangirl monstrosity! A repeat offender here on tf_afts, it seems, having already been featured a few
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Furry. yeah, I have a weird family member who's into that stuff. Creepy.
Yeeeah... furry is a whole other thing I'm just not going to delve into.
Except for that one time yesterday when i got bored drawing tigers and turned my cat into a robot, but that actually looked cool. And didnt involve sex XD
This however is a crime against many things and desrves to die a horrible horrible death by fire.
See, what you drew sounds cool and I'd totally check it out :B
But yea... nevermind the bad beast wars OC's, I detest the designs of the original characters. As characters, they're fine, but it's the terrible designs that annoy me most XD
I mean... by all rights, a robot that turns into a wolf or something should be cool, but somehow they managed to make it... crap XD
I'll have to try and remember to scan the pic of the tic-tac-inator along with my pole dancing pimp oc XD
/passes death the blowtorch/ Complete agreement
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