A Public Service Announcement

May 08, 2008 13:40

Hey, fellow Transfans! I'm glad to see this community so active lately. :)

I've added new character tags, so please use them when posting. If someone is missing, tell a mod and we'll add it ASAP.

Another new tag is the nsfw tag. This is for any R-rated to M-rated material posted here that is not a fanfic. For fanfics, use the old tags of fanfiction: adult and/or fanfiction: smut. Remember to clearly warn for any adult material in your post as well. Fun fact: the most used character tag to date is Starscream. :p

Every post is now located somewhere in the Community Memories. The link is located on the profile. If I've mis-categorized anything, give me a shout and I'll fix it. :) The Questions section also contains all requests, and the Resource section holds all the comic scans/downloads/informative tidbits our members have so generously provided.

OK, one last thing! Please, please, please remember to post only once a day if your posts contain the same type of material. You can use multiple LJ-cuts, provide links, or spread it out over a few days. This just helps to keep people's f-lists nice and tidy.

All right, guys, rock on! ^_^b

mod post: general

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