Title: Hiding.
agiftedmind /
Shadowed Chaos Characters: Starscream, Sunstorm
Verse: Shattered Glass
Genesis AU
Rating: I'd say a strong T. [Please correct me if I'm wrong?]
Warnings: None that I can see.
Summary: There's something wrong with Sunstorm if he's hiding out in a lab - one of the places that he swore never to go into again.
Disclaimer: I wish that I owned.
tiny_green_leafA/N: All data on the Genesis Verse can be
found here on my fic-journal.
On realizing that his new mate was staring at him, Sunstorm huffed, wings flicking in 'don't ask don't ask don't ask' kind of way. It wasn't that he wanted Starscream to ask, but he just didn't feel like explaining to his mate WHY he was seemingly in a place that he had openly expressed his dislike for. Well, one of them at any rate. When the staring got worse, he growled, hands fisting. "Stop staring."
"I would if I was sure that I wasn't seeing things." the younger of the pair retorted, putting down one of the vials that he'd been holding.
"You're not. So go back to work." The golden flier was snippy, snappish and all to willing to have yet another verbal spar, be it one that the entire base heard, or not, It mattered little to him.
"No, Why are you in here when I know for a fact tat you vehemently stated that you would never ever set foot in one or in the medical baby. " Starscream looked pointed like at Sunstorm, who only scowled in return and said nothing. Starscream blinked, unsure of what to make of this behavior, It wasn't something that he was used to. No, he was used to the other being aloof, having that bored and better than thou look on his face plates, and in the way that he held himself.
This.. was wrong. So very, very, very wrong. It was almost as of..
"You're hiding, aren't you?" He softened his tone a little, optics widening when Sunstorms' wings hiked up in the defensiveness. Oh, Had he pushed to far?
"Maybe.. So what if I am?"
".. I was just asking, you don't have to bite my helm off!"
"Then don't ask! It's my past, not yours!" Sunstorms' tempter started to flare up, and the snowy seeker had to bite his glossa. His past? He knew so little about his mate and yet...He wanted to know more, he honestly did. But the look on Sunstorms' face plates told him not to ask, and so he didn't.
Sunstorm was grateful for this, and after a while, he started to oh so slightly relax. It helped that Starscream went back to what he;d been doing, and neirher of then talked again. And when he couldn't find that signal out there any more, Sunstorm slipped out as silently as he'd entered.
Starscream sighed. Just what had his mate been hiding from that had resulted in him taking refuge in his lab of all places? He didn't know, but he wanted to find out. Wanted to know more about the enigmatic and closed off mech that was Sunstorm.
Just why did he have to make it so hard to do so?