Title: Through Fire and Flame (28 Red Alerts)
Chapter: Transforming Red Alert
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Characters: Red Alert, Inferno, Optimus Prime
Universe: G1
Summary: Red Alert gets assigned a new partner. Claimed by
rezuri with the prompt “transforming in the sense of personal growth.”
And here's the last of them... )
Comments 4
The characterization was wonderful, and how things change--gorgeous! You really make it feel like a natural, obvious friendship starting to form, but in a totally strange and unexpected way, if that makes any sense at all. Trying to be more clear: you make a friendship that doesn't make much sense seem sensible.
I did notice one little typo: "“Inferno a good mech, Red,” Optimus said calmly." Should that be "Inferno is" or "Inferno's"?
And congratulations on finishing! Thank you for posting. ^_^
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