Last and Alone - Secret
Title: Part 14
Rating: T
Characters: Perceptor, Ratchet, Red Alert, Optimus Prime
Warnings: Mech x Mech hinted at/mentioned occasionally
Universe: G1-ish/Last and Alone/Monolith
Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape, or form, own the Transformers© franchise or the characters it contains. They belong to Has/Tak, No infringement intended. Any OC’s to my knowledge are solely mine.
Summary: Perceptor was once part of a gestalt, but the others were destroyed. Since he should never have survived the deaths of his teammates, it’s a secret he has kept for thousands of vorns. Now Jazz is tracking it down.
Okay boys and girls. Loads of ground to cover. Strap in (because some of its bumpy), and hopefully you enjoy the ride.
In two parts because it was way to big for one post here on LJ.
Secret Part 14.1 )
Secret Part 14.2 )