Sep 14, 2008 23:04
So sorry to be a bother, but I was hopping some of you more knowledgeable people might be able to shed some light on a couple of questions?
1) I frequently read fics where Swoop is described as being a sort of apprentice to Ratchet, in that he has an 'official' position in the medbay. Assuming this is canon, when/where did this come about? In one of the comic continuities? During an episode I may have missed? *curious*
2) In the G1 toons, new Autobots (Red Alert, Blaster, ect.) were practically popping out of the walls with no explanation of where they came from. Is it ever stated anywhere whether they were in already in stasis on the Ark, or if they just hopped down from Cybertron...?
Sorry, these are just nagging at me. Gotta love how vague this fandom can be in some regards...
Edit: *laughs* Okay, thanks everyone!
type: questions