So I finally got my rear end in gear and had a go at making Ravage.
It turned out alright considering I've never done animals or animal-like robots before.
And to be honest I don't exactly like doing them either. Although that may just be my strange distaste for mammals. Eh, whatever. Still going to do Laserbeak once I've done Rumble and Frenzy.
Anyhoo, I'll kindly stfu and show you.
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Yeah, Ravage just goes *thonk* on the floor with no recoil. And he/she/whatever looks rather disproportionate. I will deal with that later.
Much later.
We've all had a nightmare of being chased by something horrible, scary or in some cases downright weird. When he's in recharge Starscream is no exception. (You need the sound, it's vital to the experience.)
Starscream's Nightmare
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One frame from Ravage's eject video had Soundwave looking pretty damn awesome, so I wallpapersize'd it (And turned it into an icon, feel free to steal as long as you credit me somewhere) for use if any of you want to.
Full size download is hueg like Metroplex. Crop, scale, whatever it to fit screen if you so desire.