
Mar 12, 2008 17:01

Title: Extractions from Some Dialogues
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related characters therein do not belong to me. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: A love story, in fragments. Megatron x Optimus Prime.
Author’s Note: Written as an exercise. I’m contemplating creating a larger story based on these snippets. Takes place pre-movie.

I. A beginning.

If Megatron was surprised to see Ironhide waiting for him in his quarters, he did not show it. A glance was all Ironhide received, his presence noted and dismissed in favor of placing a handful of datapads on the corner desk and retrieving a unit of energon from personal stores.

“When I gave you access to my apartments, I did not expect you to use it,” Megatron said absently, distantly, as he settled into a chair. Gears and struts groaned with the release of tension built up from a long, hectic day.

“I have something to say to you.”

Megatron already knew what it was, and already had the answer prepared, but Ironhide was an old friend, and he decided to let Ironhide do what he felt was needed.

“So say it.”

“Stay away from him,” Ironhide said, expectedly.


“Insolent youngling. You have no right to him.”

“I am in love.”

“No you aren’t. You are incapable. You are playing games, and I like the new Prime too much to let you ruin him.”

“I have a feeling, my friend, that it is quite the other way around. I find myself entirely at his whim.”

“An infatuation,” Ironhide allowed. “Hurry up and get over it so you can stop misleading him. You are acting as though you seek a companion, and Primus knows that you do not need one to satisfy a lonely Spark. I know you, Megatron. If you so chose, you could be satisfied with anyone on this planet.”

“You are right,” Megatron conceded. “I could live with anyone. But, Ironhide, he is the only one I cannot live without.”

II. A question.

There was no reply, but Optimus did not need one. Over the years, he had learned well how to interpret Megatron’s silences just as well as his speech, and this manner of silence indicated that Megatron was listening to him.

“What is it, exactly, that the Lord High Protector protects?”

Optimus could nearly feel the slide of Megatron’s mouth as it pulled back in a dark smile, its motion smooth and firm, like the glide of a snake.

“Peculiar, is it not? That you are the first one to ask,” Megatron replied. He regarded Optimus from across the room for a long while before shifting back into a more casual posture. “I do not think I will answer. But I will admit, it is a very good question.”

III. A love scene.
A plea.

“I do not want you to leave me.”

A frown.

“Why would I?”

A statement.

“I wouldn’t let you, if you tried.”

A puzzlement.

“Why would I?”

A fact.

“Just letting you know.”

A breath. A continuation.

“I want to be with you.”

A hesitation.


A fact.

“Because you make everything possible.”

IV. A rift.
Optimus stared across the table, letting his hands rest on the painfully solid distance that lay between them. It was cold. Millions of words scrambled inside of him like so many crawling insects, all of them biting and chewing and fighting each other, all of them wanting to be said, to be chosen to express what emotion could not.

“We seem to differ in matters of opinion.”

V. A moment of individual identification.
“What does it mean to be an Autobot?”

“We are the opposite of the Decepticons.”

“Do you know what it is to be a Decepticon?”


“Then that is why you fail. You do not even know what you are fighting. You do not even know why you are fighting. You do not even know who you are.”

VI. An irony.
“This is horribly unfair. I have brilliant, well-thought out plans but am surrounded by idiots and traitors. You have horrible tactics but all of the competents and luck.”

VII. A plot twist.
“If you hold so much disdain for me, then why do you go to such lengths to obtain my attention? Why make such a performance of killing me when a simple blast to the Spark will do it?”

“I should think the answer self-evident, Optimus Prime. I am in love and am trying to impress you.”

VIII. A love scene.
“I found it.”

“You are a liar.”

“So I am. But I am not lying. I’m going to go get it.”

“A Joining for the road, then. Humiliation for me, if you are telling the truth.”

“You sound disappointed. But be easy, I captured you for a reason. I want to make a comparison.”

“A comparison?”

“Before and after victory.”

“You are letting me go?”

“I always do.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you always come back to me. All on your own. I don’t even have to look.”

“You are a narcissist.”

“So I am. But I am not flattering myself. Merely making an observation.”

“So what will you do once you have retrieved the All Spark?”

“I will welcome you back. I will love you. I will Join with you-“

“For the comparison.”

“For the comparison. And I will hold you close and whisper my undying devotion and obsession while you die.”

“So you do wish for my death. I had wondered, occasionally.”

“Of course I do. I need the comparison.”

“A comparison?”

“You alive and you dead. I need both experiences to figure out which I like better.”

“You are a lunatic.”

“So I am.”

IX. An end.
“You left me no choice, brother.”

“You wear tragedy so beautifully. I suppose I did. You had no other choice but to follow me. You had no choice but to come to me. You had no choice but to destroy me. You had no choice but to revolve your entire existence around mine. Ah, my dear Optimus Prime. I have won.”

poster: lady_oneiros, megatron/optimus, optimus prime, fanfiction 2008 (winter), megatron, rated pg-13

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