An observation made while watching the movie...

Feb 26, 2008 15:58

This is probably ooold news (or noticed already, at least) but the other day, my friend and I were watching the  movie (again) and we made a couple of observations.

1) Why does Ironhide moan his foot being "wet", remarking "Foot's gonna rust!" when Mojo pees on it, consuidering he seemed a LOT less bothered about getting wet fifteen to twenty minutes previously when he landed in a swimming pool full of the stuff upon arrival? Do protoforms not rust before scanning but are capavble pof it after scanning an alt-mode or something? or maybe it's the urea salts in Mojo's pee? But it's the "wet" he complains about.

2) Later on, in the Mission City fight, when Megatron drops the pieces of Jazz and tranjsaforms into his jet form, As optimus leaped up to grab him, my friendm, who was sat next to me suddenly let out this yell:

Jet-Judo! Optimus has been taking lessons from the twins!"

After I finished laughing, we both sat there for the next five minuutes replaying that scene, and squealing like the fangirls we are.....

Just thouight I'd share.


optimus prime, megatron, ironhide

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