Delurking for a moment

Feb 19, 2008 23:02

Why letting me play with a random pairing generator is a BAD idea.
I offer drabbles and drabblets, over various subject matters and ratings

Bumblebee / Mikaela Banes / sunlight
She doesn't let him know, she doesn't let anyone know, but she loves the way he looks in sunlight. He's gorgeous, yellow paint gleams, curving beautifully. She glances guiltily to the face of her boyfriend, asleep in her lap. Sam was everything she had ever really wanted, but sometimes her imagination got the best of her. What would it be like to be on that hood with that powerful engine vibrating below her. She glances back and watches as Bumblebee settled on his shocks. He had no clue how gorgeous he looked in the sunlight.

Sam Witwicky / Bumblebee / in jest
Like all young males the topic of discussion all to often came back to sex, or interfacing as Bumblebee called it. Somehow Bee had stumbled across some of the kinkier aspects of human pleasure on the net.

“A threesome Bee? Isn't interspecies kinky enough for you?” Sam jested. “I know Mikaela is hot , but...”

The Camero simply vibrated under him. Laying back Sam thought for a moment. Mikaela was hot, but he wasn't sure if he could “perform” with an audience. Besides how the hell would they ask her? 'Hey Miki want to get down and dirty with me and Bee?' Oh yeah that'd go over real well. But still the idea was intriguing. He closed his eyes as his body reacted.

“Fine. But you get to ask her.”

“He already did.” Sam's eyes shot open and he watched Mikaela saunter up to the Camero, dragging her hand along the hood, before climbing up and stradling Sam's hips. This was going to be fun.

Jazz / Sam Witwicky / my bad
“My bad” Jazz's holoform whispered after he slammed Sam into the floor harder then he intended. His body covered Sam's, with most of his weight balanced on his hands.

Sam didn't respond, merely entwined his fingers in the long dark braids. With a yank he pulled Jazz's head towards him, assaulting his mouth with a hungry kiss. “Guess you'll just have to make it up to me.”

Mikaela Banes / Starscream / grudge
Mikaela curled tighter into a ball. She had been here for so long. As she shifted the chains around her neck and hands clanked. Breathe hitching she froze. The only sound was the steady intake of the sleeping mech next to her. When had she fallen so far? She used to be proud, defiant. She took no shit from anyone and gave back twice as good as she got. Then the world was yanked out from underneath her. The Decepticons had won. Instead of simply destroying the human race, Megatron had devised a much more humiliating role; they where pets, toys. So here she was chained, humiliated, degraded.

“Thinking again pet?”

Mikaela flinched; his tone was mocking and cruel. She had been so absorbed in her thoughts and memories she hadn't heard him awake.

The cruel laughter echoed. “Now pet you know thinking will get you no where. Just submit like a good little squishy.”

Reluctantly Mikaela uncurled, and rolled onto her back. The first thing to go had been her modesty.

A sadistic smirk settled on to her master's features. Mikaela knew what was coming next. “Pleasure yourself.”

Humiliated Mikeala began to run her hands down her body, silently vow that even if it took her dieing breath, she would take Starscream with her.

Blackout / Jazz / trapped
“Hello Jazz.” The Pave Low's voice is smooth, and malicious. Jazz hissed. He backed up further into the alley. Blackout stalked him, mirroring his movements, extremely gracefully for a mech his size. This was bad. Blackout was loyal to Megatron, and only Megatron. His presence here could only mean one thing, Megatron had gotten tired of the game. Except it wasn't a game, no, it was Jazz's life. Blackout had been the one to bring Jazz to Megatron originally. Blackout took great pleasure in his job, especially finding pets to satisfy Megatron's appetites. And now he had Jazz trapped. Again.

Megatron / Jazz / hungry
Jazz strained against his restraints, praying to Primus that they would give this time. They wouldn't give and there was no way for him to pick them from his position. He knew he was in trouble moments after retrieving the data. It had been a set up, a trap, and now Jazz found himself in a position he vowed he would never be in again.

His thoughts were cut off by the door cycling open. There he stood in all his cruel glory, a hungry look in his blood red optics. Without a word he stalked forward and ripped Jazz's visor off, revealing the rare gold optics to the world.

Jazz began to struggle with renewed desperation. This couldn't be happening. It was in vain as the larger mech used his body to still any motion he might have made, pressing a hungry, unyielding kiss to his mouth. Jazz whimpered. And a cruel smirk crossed Megatron's face. “Welcome home, Pet.”

Megatron / Ratchet / alone together
It was amazing how to beings could be so intimate but still be alone. Ratchet shuddered, as Megatron explored his body. Neither was quite sure how this had come about, but somehow Ratchet and Megatron where drawn together. Complete opposites, even more so then Optimus Prime and Megatron. A healer and a destroyer. But it wasn't love, it wasn't even a connection. It was reminder. Ratchet remembered the mechs that he had put back together after the same hands that held him now had nearly killed them. He remembered the ones he couldn't save. But still he did this, betraying his faction, his leader, his friends. It was better to be alone together, then alone with the pain.

Frenzy / Mikaela Banes / neglected
Mikaela found Frenzy curled up in an alley. It had been months since Mission City, but somehow Frenzy had survived his second encounter with decapitation. So why was he here now? Alone, without any of the other Decepticons. Careful for a trap she stepped further into an alley, and gasped. He was sparking, wires exposed and frayed. He could hardly move due to energy loss. She knew she would be perfectly justified in just walking away and leaving Frenzy to his fate. But this scene, the neglected wounds tugged on her heart. She slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out her cellphone. With one last look at the pitiful mech before her she began to dial.

Frenzy / Maggie Madsen / unusual
There were, Maggie decided, more unusual pairings. She just couldn't think of any at the moment. After all they had a lot of common interests. Okay so it was mostly hacking and hardware in common, but it was a place to start. It was more then Romeo and Juliet had. Hopefully it would lead to a longer relationship then those two had managed as well. Maggie reached out and trailed her hand down his back. Frenzy shifted, arching further into her touch. Yes, Maggie decided, there could be more unusual pairings, but some how she couldn't bring herself to care.

Frenzy / Scorponok / asleep
When they where like this it was hard to believe that they where unholy terrors to the Autobots. They where in the brig of the Ark, in the same cell. The brig was over flowing with Decipticon prisoners, and they had figured that the two small ones could be bunked together. No one had expected this. Frenzy had been cursing up a storm; trying to escape, but had stilled instantly when he had seen where they were taking him. The moment the cell had been closed, the two had been all over checking each other for damage and for the sheer relief to touch. Now they were curled up together, tight as could be, deep in recharge. A deeper recharge then any Autobot thought they'd ever see from them. Which is what had lead to Ironhide's thoughts. When those two where asleep, they looked angelic.

Scorponok / Bumblebee / trapped
Bumblebee drove as fast as he could. Time was running out. Another check, and the small Autobot tried to eek out even more speed. There! He transformed and threw himself at the the tormentor. Brawl had not expected the attack and was taken unawares, turning from the mech he had trapped. “Stay. Away. From. My. Sparkling!” Each word was followed by a flurry of blows. Disoriented Brawl fled. Bee leaned over and picked up Scorponok. “This is why your supposed to stay with Blackout, sweetheart. I may not be fast enough next time.”

Skorponok chirred and curled into his creator's chassis. Sighing Bumblebee cuddled the smaller bot, sensors attuned to his surroundings. There. The Pave Low cleared the hill and transformed. Blackout came tearing up to them. He reached out and Bumblebee handed him Skorponic. He watched sadly as the bigger mech checked over the sparkling. Satisfied that he was unharmed, he reached out and pulled Bee to him. “We can't,” Bee whispered sadly. Blackout nodded. “I have to get back, before one of the others notice.” Blackout nodded again, but as Bee began to pull away, he yanked the smaller mech to him, kissing him fiercely.

“Some day this war will end.” Blackout's voice was low. “And we will be together.” Bee reached out, running his fingers over Skorponok's back.

“Keep him safe,” Bee whispered. Then with a quick glance back at his mate and sparkling, Bee turned, transforming into his alt-mode; speeding away.

Ratchet / Mikaela Banes / alone together
He shouldn't feel jealous. After all it wasn't like Ratchet was a real guy. He was a giant robot for God's sake. So he shouldn't feel jealous that Ratchet and Mikaela where spending so much time together. Mikaela was just trying to learn about being a medic to the Autobots, just in case. But god damn it. He was. Mickaela and Ratchet just spent so much time alone together. As she came running out of the repair bay, Sam put aside his jealousy. After all she was running to meet him. And for now Sam would let his jealousy slide.

Sam Witwicky / Barricade / after midnight
It's late when Sam slips out of his room, past midnight. Bee was at the base recovering from another battle with the Decepticons. Which let Sam do something he considered insane. Talk with Barricade. How it started neither one was sure, but talk they did. Sam loved Bumblebee. He was his best friend, the brother he'd never had, but there where certain things he couldn't talk about with him. Despite everything Bee was light, good, perhaps even pure. Barricade certainly wasn't. Around Barricade, Sam let out the anger, the hatred, which flowed through his blood. Trent or Sector 7 it didn't matter. He could fling it all at Barricade, who gave just as he got. Sarcasm ran thick, hardened by hate into pointed barbs. Then Sam would get out and walk back into his room as Barricade moved on, until the next time the hatred built up. When the mech showed up would be anyones guess, but until then he would show Bee only the positive aspects of humanity. The rest... The rest would keep till after midnight and Barricade.

Blackout / Bumblebee / redundant
Perhaps the chains are redundant Blackout mused. It is not like he has anywhere to go. He paused in the doorway to admire the still form of Bumblebee. It had been years since the Decepticons had defeated the Autobots. Megatron had not killed Prime, rather had brought him to his knees. Now the once leader of the Autobots served Lord Megatron, much in the same manner his precious Bumblebee served him. He admired the form before him. It was well worth the effort to claim the small bot. Blackout smirked. Oh yes, chains were redundant. Blackout had seen to that.

Mikaela Banes / Blackout / inside
She was kicking his insides. It's not as though it hurt, Blackout decided, as he made his way back to the Decepticon base. It's just that the female was relentless. One would have thought that such a puny, organic creature would have given up after a short while. Not this one though, four breems later and she was still at it. “Stop that fleshling.” Blackout's gruff voice echoed through out the cabin. “When it snows in July,” she snapped. “And I have a name. Mikaela. Not fleshling, organic, or whatever your glitched processor can come up with. Mikaela. Use it.”

If anyone wants to adopt and expand that's fine with me, just let me know so I can read. Well except for the Jazz/Megatron and Jazz/Blackout. My mind took me to a dark scary place... and I'm having blast, so they're mine. It's going to be a dark fic... If I ever find time to write it.

fanfiction 2008 (winter), poster: hellsangelcurse

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