A little help?

Feb 14, 2008 15:58

Okay. I'm a slow writer. I'm also flighty as all get out. I'm working on three different stories in three different 'verses, have four other 'verses in the planning stages, and I'm working on a huge batch of TF icons.

So...I need a little help. Two of the stories I'm working on feature Autobot!Mikaela (don't ask) and, well, she needs a Autobotish nom de guerre. I have had to come to terms with the fact that I just don't possess enough imagination to come up with something properly TFy.

I did a little research (Wikipedia is love), found the car, redeco'd it in photoshop (not my best work, I know), and now she needs a name.

The 2007 Saturn Sky worked for what I wanted. Hot, aggressive, on the small side, yet trendy.

What I Came Up With:
Firefly (This one may or may not be already taken; searches on Teletraan 1 were inconclusive.)
Forge (Yanked from X-Men. Doesn't fit, I know, but I was toying with the mechanic angle.)
Roadburn (Though, gotta say, I can't get the image of a motorcycle out of my mind with this one -- Acree's badass decepticon cousin, anyone?)

What do you think?

I chose this color because of the shirt she's wearing during the Drive You Home segment; it just fit.

photoshop, mikaela banes

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