
Feb 04, 2008 00:28

Sorry it took so long guys. Here ya go! ^^

Title: Cybernetics (chapter 39)
Rating: R
Pairing: Barricade/OC mild Ratchet/OC and implied Ironhide/Ratchet/OC
Summary: Natalie and Barricade complete their journey and their rescue
Warnings: Sexual refernces, groping, semi-sweet!Barricade
Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. I do this for free.

Chapter 39: Rubble

Natalie could not recall ever dedicating 45 minutes to nothing more than making out and groping before. Well, actually, it was more like 43 minutes of groping and 2 minutes of Barricade fingering her until they were forced to part ways. Her panties were absolutely soaked and when she’d ran her fingertips over his dashboard he’d shivered below her, his hologram pausing to give her a heated look and stroke her thigh softly.

She’d been surprised when he so kindly held the car door open for her. Of course, after giving him free range of her body she supposed it was the very least he could do.

At first the drive had been agonizing because they’d both been so in need of release, the bond serving to amplify their arousal like some sort of feedback loop. Barricade (over a private comm link) explained that it was an instinctual reaction. Their bond needed to be completed, and they needed to connect sparks to fully establish it, hence the horrible ache both in her chest and between her legs.

::I’m not so sure I’m ready to be bonded to you for all eternity ‘Cade.::

::You think I am? You asked. I answered.:: Noticing that her hands had slipped between her legs he slapped her arm. ::I wouldn’t suggest doing that while I’m driving.::

Natalie whimpered.

::Calm yourself. If it doesn’t get better we’ll just have Ratchet overload you when we reach him.::

Unfortunately, it did get better, but only because of the shock and horror Natalie found herself in when they reached the outskirts of town.

The sky was alight with thick smoke reflecting the flames below. Every few minutes explosions rocked the Earth. Sirens were wailing from every direction, creating an echo that was disorienting as well as annoying.

Barricade pulled up outside the space being used as a med bay and let Natalie out before Transforming. He picked her up gingerly and carried her past all the bots that quickly scurried out of the former Decepticon’s path.

“What is he doing here?”

“Don’t shoot, he’s got a human!”

“Calm down you scrap heaps, he’s not on their side anymore.”

The whispers really bothered Natalie, but she said nothing as they approached Ratchet.

The medic was overwhelmed to see her. Barricade handed her over and Ratchet wasted no time in running multiple scans over her to check her condition. He arched a brow when his olfactory sensors picked up on how aroused she had been so recently, but said nothing more than, “What have you two been up to?”

Barricade narrowed his gaze. “Travelling.”

Clearly, Ratchet didn’t believe that. He gave Natalie a look and she averted her gaze shyly.

“That’s what I thought.” He nodded, handing her back over to the shorter mech after giving her a rather awkward hug that consisted mostly of holding her close while she caressed his armor. “Don’t tell Ironhide.”

“Are you mad?” She asked.

“Of course not. As I’ve explained before, our relationship allows you to go wherever you please, as long as you come home to us most nights.” Ratchet soothed, running a finger down her back. “Just be careful with that bond. It’s not complete and your biological imperatives may cause you to complete it inadvertently if you aren’t cautious...”

“We know.” Natalie sighed.

“Do you know what part of town the battle is taking place in?” Barricade asked, changing the subject, obviously very uncomfortable.

Ratchet shook his head. “I’m just a medic. They don’t tell me anything.”

“Would you like us to keep you updated?” He asked.

“That won’t be necessary. Go do what you need to do.” He waved them off.

“Wait, Ratchet, we know why the Decepticons are here. Apparently they were getting information from a leak in S7, but he double crossed them so they’re here looking for him.”

“And he’s here? In your hometown?” Ratchet seemed rather shocked.

“Yes, and...he’s one of the engineers that built me.” Natalie shivered again, and Barricade settled her closer to his chest, warm waves from his spark washed over her and calmed her a little.

“Radio Prime and inform him of what you’ve learned. Then go complete your task and return here. No detours. Do not engage unless you are engaged. Got it?” Ratchet was stern and left no room for interpretation.

Barricade nodded, setting Natalie down so he could transform.

“Barricade?” Ratchet stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “You keep her safe and don’t leave her side or so help me I will reconfigure you into a septic tank.”

Barricade cringed. “I can assure you that won’t be a problem...Sir.” He sank down into his alt form and opened the passenger side door. As Natalie slid in Ratchet interrupted them again.

“Oh, and Barricade? Get a different paintjob. That color red is entirely unbecoming. You look like Sideswipe.”

Barricade revved his engine in response before taking off down the road and into the heart of battle.


Finding Don’s house wasn’t as hard as she thought it might be. They hadn’t been attacked at all this far, there was very little debris in their path, and she hadn’t forgotten where it was over the six years she’d been away.

Even though she knew where to find it, she might not have recognized it without the mailbox in front that read “Watanabe.”

The two story sage green house with the lacey white trim had been virtually demolished by an uprooted tree that appeared to have been thrown carelessly atop it from the neighboring yard. It still looked better than the house next door though, which had had it’s entire top half removed.

“Oh God.” Natalie gasped. Donnie, are you alive in there? I’m here! She sent the e-mail without a second thought before climbing out of the car. There was no power on in the house, which made sense, but Don had back up power supplies for all his computers, so he should have gotten her message.

Barricade assisted her in climbing through the hole where the living room window had been, carefully avoiding the roots that hung down where they were climbing through. It was incredibly dark within the house, except for where the broken roof and upper story allowed moonlight to pour in. She squinted in the blackness.

“Donnie?!” Natalie called out, climbing over the remains of the davenport. “Micha?!”

No response either verbally or electronically.

“Do you know where in the house they were?” Barricade asked.

“No. Probably his bedroom or the basement.” She replied, waiting for him to come up beside her. Above them the house creaked ominously. “We’ve got to find them and get out before the house comes down on top of us.”

“I will get into the basement, you check his quarters.” Barricade instructed her. “Be careful, if anything happens to you...”

“I know, Ratchet will have you processing human waste for the next few centuries.” She turned to continue onward, until he grabbed her.

“I didn’t mean that.” He shook his head. “Just...please be careful.”

Natalie touched his face. “You’re awful cute when you’re trying to pretend you’re not smitten with me.”

He touched his lips to hers briefly and went off in search of the basement. Natalie carefully maneuvered her way through the dark, under broken drywall and past unhinged doors to Don’s bedroom. Unfortunately, his door was blocked by a chunk of ceiling. Remembering the Jack and Jill bathroom he shared with Micha, she carefully found her way into the younger woman’s room and passed through the bathroom to find the door locked.

A pipe had been broken somewhere in the walls and the place was flooded up to her shins with water, causing her to seriously doubt to wood structure’s stability. Who knew how long this water had been standing here. Best to see if her friend was actually in the other room before she aggravated the tiles by trying to bust the door down.


“N-Natalie? Is that you?”

“Yes! Don, I’m going to get you out of here. Just give me a second. Are you in front of the door?”


“Okay, is Micha in there with you?”

“No, I sent her down to the basement with mom after she got home.”

“Alright. Stay back.”

Natalie kicked the door with all her strength, pain shooting up her leg when it didn’t budge. The wet wood had groaned in protest though, and she figured that was a good thing. She kicked a second time and it came crashing down, water rushing into the bedroom.

A stream of light coming in from the window showed her that Don was huddled under his desk, pinned in by a bit of ceiling. He was grinning though, overjoyed to see her.

“Nat!” He exclaimed, reaching a hand out through the gap between desk and ceiling which Natalie happily took.

“Oh, Donnie, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just a little stuck is all.” He shrugged. “Tell me you brought someone to help lift this.”

“I did” She told him. ::’Cade, have you found Micha and Amika yet?::

::I have. They won’t come with me. Any luck on your end?::

::Sort of. Don’s pinned down under some rubble. I need help moving it. Tell them I’m up here and see if they come.::

There was a brief pause and then a response. ::They want me to bring you to them.::

::Fine, come up here and help me first.::

“So...where’s that backup?” Don asked.

“He’s on his way.”

“Good.” He replied. Sounding a little frightened he added, “Natalie, we need to get out of the house soon. I don’t think the supports will hold much longer and...I saw...things. Outside. They picked up the tree and threw it on the house. I know it sounds crazy but...”

“No, Donnie, it doesn’t.” Natalie sighed. “Did they look like robots?”

“How did you know?” He pressed his face up against the opening to stare at her with wide eyes.

“It’s a long story. You’re going to see more of them, just know that some of them are good guys. Okay?”

“Is this what you’ve been working on?” He asked.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Super robotics?”

“They’re actually a super-advanced alien race.”

“...I think I just had an orgasm. Of course, that could just be the water soaking through my jeans.”

She laughed.

“Fleshling?!” Barricade was calling for her. “It’s not nice to hide!”

“I’m coming!” She shouted back. “Just wait Donnie.”

Natalie stood and made her way back into Micha’s room to see Barricade duck through the doorway. She was leading him back through the bathroom when the floor gave out from under her. She screamed as something cut into her calf and reached out to try and catch herself, but Barricade had already wrapped his arms around her waist and swung her around to his side of the rather large hole. She clung to him for a moment, breathing heavily. “Holy fuck.”

“Are you alright?”

“Something cut me pretty bad.” She noted, looking down. A wicked looking piece of tile stuck out at a jagged angle along the hole, covered in blood where it had sunk into her. Checking out her left pants leg she saw a huge hole cut into it just above where her leg had been damaged. Like any severe injury, actually seeing it seemed to bring the pain on 10 times stronger. Natalie gasped at the sting and then whimpered, holding Barricade tightly. It had cut her deep judging from the blood on the tile. Nearly bone deep. “I don’t think I can walk on it.” She told him, gesturing to the wound.

“Natalie, is that you?!” Called up a thickly accented voice from the hole in the floor.

“Yeah, it’s me Amika!” She bent forward, trusting Barricade to hold her fast, and waved when she saw the little Asian woman (wearing a very interesting green wrap dress and set of flashy jewelry that consisted of big orange beads dripping from her neck and ears, not to mention the immense rhinestones that decorated most of her fingers...she looked very out of place).

“Then it’s safe to come up?” She asked, looking at Natalie inquisitively over the rims of her glasses.

“Yes! Just wait in the hall outside Micha’s room!”

Barricade pulled her back up against him and eyed the wound warily. “You need a bandage.”

“I know, I’ll take care of it.” She opted not to remind him she was a doctor, and capable of deducing whether or not she needed to wrap a wound. “Thank God you caught me, or that thing would have ripped open my entire left side.”

He caressed the side in question, leaning in to kiss her again. It was getting rather addictive, his mouth on hers. She wondered if she’d ever been kissed so thoroughly by any other.

“Can you walk?” He asked against her lips.

She sighed dreamily. “Nope.”

“Then let’s hope your friend can.” Barricade swept her up into his arms and carefully stepped across the hole, carrying her into Don’s room and setting her down on the bed. “Find something to wrap that wound with.”

Natalie nodded and whipped her shirt off, revealing the camisole she was wearing below. It earned a raised eyebrow from her sort-of-lover and she glared at him in response. ::Stop gawking, and don’t get excited. You aren’t getting any of this.::

::Right now.:: He took the liberty of amending that statement for her. ::But after we get back to base...::

::You do realize they’ll throw us in the brig as soon as we’re back right? I don’t think Prowl will let us share a cell for the sake of having hot sex.::

“We’ll discuss this later.” He informed her, turning to where Donnie was trapped. “Are you injured Donald Watanabe?”

“I don’t know, I’m kinda dizzy. I think I hit my can call me Don, by the way.”

“Alright, don’t move.”

Natalie tore the lower leg of her torn pants off. The bloody denim protested slightly, but eventually came off. She then proceeded to tear her shirt into strips and wrapped her wound tight enough to try and stop the bleeding.

Barricade got Donnie free with no trouble, and helped the young man to his feet.

“Can you walk?” He asked.

“Yeah, but I can’t see.” Don sighed.

“Cybertron below me...” Barricade groaned.

“Some dust got under my contacts, I had to take them out. I have some glasses in my bedside table.” He added quickly.

Natalie opened up the drawer and began digging around when Don let out a little yelp and jumped forward to stop her. “I never said you should get them for me I can see well enough to get them GET OUT OF MY DRAWER!!!”

She blinked. “Whoa, Don, what do you have in there? A vibrator or something?”

“No, I keep my porn in there you stupid bitch.” He glared at the blur that he thought was Natalie.

“So what? It’s not like I haven’t walked in on you jerking off or anything before. I know you look at porn. Do you have a leather fetish or something?” She teased.

“Fuck off.” He approached the drawer and removed his glasses, slipping them on. “Okay, now let me just grab my priceless comic book collection and we can get out of here.”

“Nerd.” Natalie rolled her eyes.

“I’m kidding. You know I was never into comics.” Don smiled down at her. He pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her cheek. “You have no idea how good it is to see you. I was sure you were dead...”

“I was there for a little while.” She murmured, holding him close. They stayed like that for a moment, Barricade politely refraining from commenting, until the house creaked again and something upstairs snapped. “We gotta go.”

“Alright, let me just grab my laptop.” Don said, going to rummage through his belongings.

Barricade wrapped an arm around Natalie’s waist and helped her up. He rested a hand on the outside of her thigh when Don turned around to face them, not out of possessiveness or jealousy, but to assert that she was his...just a friendly reminder. The human took notice, but said nothing and kept his expression impassive.

“Let’s go.” Don took up a vigil on Natalie’s other side and helped Barricade carry her out. In trying to cross over the hole in the bathroom floor, Natalie got stuck underneath the water cascading down from the broken pipe and her conveniently white silk camisole ended up being soaked with water. Don carefully averted his eyes while Barricade took her up in his arms so she could have a little more cover, but not before he “accidentally” slipped his hands up her top and groped her obscenely.

The three of them carefully made their way out into the hall to meet up with Micha and Amika. Hugs were exchanged, Amika demanded to know Barricade’s affiliation with Natalie (“Ah...well...he’s my...exboyfriend?”) and then they continued on out of the house.

A/N: Why yes, that was a weak ending. Sorry >_<

poster: speechie42, rated r, oc, fanfiction 2008 (winter), barricade

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