
Feb 01, 2008 18:44

So I have only two classes this semester where I can actually sit down and take notes (and doodle), so I think my Friday doodle offerings are going to be lean pickings this semester :/.

I actually only have one movieverse-style 'bot in here :D;;. The rest are other styles or organic versions of 'bots. If this is no longer acceptable I can edit the post.

But here they are!

Well I finally attempted to draw Hound's face. Not quite what I was going for, but I'll try again.

My OC Wildspark as...a little dragon. Yeah, I dunno either.

Sometimes I read too many TFs-as-humans fics, and then this happens. The Seekers show up as human-dragon things. Fireflight, being mentally challenged as he is, sometimes forgets that non-Seekers don't enjoy being around Seekers that are acting like Seekers. So for an ENTIRE DAY he sat around in my head screeching like a cockatoo while he did crazy parrot dances and begged for scritchies.

Flash and Dirge as human-dragon things.

G1 Flash youngling. Forgot her shoulder vents >>.
Also, her youngling tetrajet mode. It looks like a bloop.

And my OC Spindrift in TF:A style. He's the most colorful Dinobot ever. Also, he looks like Superman.

fireflight, holo/human!robot, poster: dinogrrl, oc, transformers animated, hound, fan art, dirge

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