Indiana Jones/Transformers Crossover: Chapter Two - Fighting in a Fishbowl

Jan 24, 2008 08:47

Title: Skeleton in the Closet
Author: RosieKnight
Rating: PG - a few curse words.
Characters: Indiana Jones, Judy Witwicky and Bumblebee. Deceased OCs are mentioned.
Story Summary: Every family has a few skeletons in the closet. What happens when one shows up on your doorstep, looking for answers you can't give?
Chapter Summary: An argument in a parking lot and some of it's repercussions.

Disclaimer: If I owned either Transformers or Indy, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction. I don't own the song "Lean on Me", either.

Author's Note: I've been feeling rather out of it all day today - stayed home sick from work and everything - so, please forgive any grammar errors. If you see any really glaring ones, put a comment on this entry in my live journal and I'll fix them when I'm a little more mentally together.

Prologue, Chapter 1

Chapter Two - Fighting in a Fishbowl

Tranquility, near the California/Nevada border
July 2007

It's five days after Mission City, and someone looking at the red headed woman would never expect the inversion her world went through within the past week.

Only one of her two watchers can determine the woman is upset, though he has to use his highly advanced, alien sensors to do so.

The other observer steps out of the building's shadow concealing him and shouts out, "Judy!"

Judy whirls into a defensive stance as she faces the man. A moment passes before recognition lit up her features. "Indy? What are you doing in town? The last I knew, you were in South America on dig!"

Indy allows her to pull him into a hug. "I was. I got a message from Henry and Kathy and came home. They said you were missing, your house and yard were ransacked, and the only car missing was Sam's."

"We... we had to go somewhere in a hurry, that's all. I completely forgot about meeting Kathy for lunch the next day, otherwise I would've called," Judy flashes a nervous grin. "Grandpa, I swear I'll call Henry and..."

"You can't," Indy's voice was rough with pain. "They're dead. Henry, Mary, and little Deirdre*. I saw them myself."

"What?! How?!"

The archaeologist's eyes locked with Judy's, "They lived in Mission City. The apartment was in the worst of the destruction, and they were home when whatever happened occurred."

Judy Witwicky flinches slightly at the implication. Her eyes close briefly in grief before they can rest upon the hidden alien solider she's harboring. The redhead does not want to think of her son's friend and guardian in the same context as her deceased brother, sister-in-law, and niece.

"What happened?"

Judy starts, "What do you mean?"

"When Henry and Mary couldn't find you. When I got an urgent message in my hotel, despite the global communications blackout. When you missed your lunch with Kathy, your house and yard were destroyed, the doors unlocked, the newspaper and mail left active, and only one car missing!" By the end of his comment, Indy's voice reaches a frightening intensity that even shouting can not match.

Instead of answering, though she desperately wishes to pour her heart out to this man who's experienced so much others would find unbelievable, Judy turned on her heel and stormed towards the alien Camaro.

She only travels a few paces before a hand grasped her wrist and Indy's voice growled, "Tell me something, Judith Katrina* Jones Witwicky, is whatever secret you're hiding worth the lives of your family?" A beat of silence passes between them before Indiana spoke again. "I'm going to find out what happened - both to you and at Mission City - and I hope whatever it is... It damn well better be worth the blood shed."

Then, her arm is freed and the familiar figure stalked away across the largely deserted parking lot.

Judy manages to reach and enter the alien Camaro before she broke into tears. Her whole frame shaking with sobs, she leaned into the warmth of Bumblebee's seats.

When she finally finishes crying, her ears registered the sounds of the Rolling Stones singing "Lean on Me" emitting from Bumblebee's radio.

"Thanks, 'Bee," appreciation and sorrow mix equally in her tone.

Instead of turning off, the volume of the music dropped and Autobot spoke over it, "No problem, Mrs. Witwicky." He pauses, long enough for Judy to notice and wonder about it. "Is... Is there anything I can do to help? I could... scare that guy off if he comes around again..."

She smiles at his hesitant words, "Thank you for the offer, Bumblebee, but there really isn't anything you could do to help the situation. That guy - Indy - he's a relative of mine. We - Some of my family lived in Mission City. They... Their apartment was destroyed and my brother and his family didn't make it out. Indy's just grieving."

"He seemed very determined to find out about your... Detainment by Sector Seven," the yellow scout's worried voice filled the cabin.

Judy gives a rueful sigh before she started to explain, "Indy's an archaeologist. A detective of the past, I suppose you could put it. He's used to looking at pieces of history - like artifacts, records, myths, and buildings - and piecing them together to figure out what was happening in various places during the past." She shrugged, "For all the work the government put into covering up the events surrounding Mission City, there are still too many unresolved inconsistencies to escape Indy's notice."

Except for the softly playing radio, silence filled the Camaro for a few moments. Finally, Bumblebee quietly asked, "Like what?"

"Like my being unable to give any sort of believable explanation for my disappearance," Judy paused, thoughtfully. "And probably any impact sites for Ironhide's cannons. Indy knows quite a bit about weaponry, just in case someone wants to literally steal his findings. Some artifacts are worth quite a bit of money, to the right people and institutions."


Wiping the residue of tears from her face, Judy paused, "There is one thing you could do for me, 'Bee."

"Name it." There's no hesitation in the scout's voice.

"Take me home."

As he laughs and complies with her request, Bumblebee vowed remember this "Indy Jones"... and investigate him.


Author's Note: The * names are both canon characters in Rob MacGregor's novels.
Deirdre - Indy's wife of only about a year, she dies in 1926.
Katrina - Part of the search for Noah's Ark and later marries Indy's college buddy, Jack Shannon.
For this story, Judy Witwicky's father is Indy and Marion's son (Shia's character). Her mother is Jack and Katrina Shannon's daughter, a non-canon character.
For the record, Judy inherited her grandfather Jack's red hair. Her brother, Henry, had dirty blond hair. Her sister, Mary-Anne - currently in England and probably won't make it into this story - has brown hair with red highlights.

crossover, bumblebee (07-08), judy witwicky, poster: rosieknight, fanfiction 2008 (winter), rated pg

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