
Jan 22, 2008 23:12

Finals this week. No time to proof. Enjoy.

Title: Cybernetics (chapter 36)
Rating: PG-13ish
Pairing: Barricade/OC
Summary: Uh...they're driving. Yes.
Warnings: Language?
Disclaimer: Do not own.

Chapter 36: Ambiguous

There was just one word that could categorize the feeling that hung in the air between Natalie, Frenzy and Barricade’s hologram: ambiguous.

English was such an...interesting language. It seemed to understand its own inadequacies and so included words to help one express a feeling which could otherwise not be expressed due to the limited vocabulary of its speakers. Words like “nebulous,” “dubious,” “indeterminate,” “recondite,” “abstruse,” and (of course) “ambiguous.”

Personally, Barricade rather liked the word “ambiguous,” and so although any of the others would have described the unsure tension filling his cab quite adequately, he went with ambiguous.

The unsure tension (or ambiguity) existed for three reasons.

Number one: Frenzy

The silver mini con was sulking in the backseat. Or at least, he was sulking when Barricade wasn’t tearing around corners and using a combination of gravity and inertia’s properties to thoroughly pummel the little Decepticon, who was not wearing a seat belt.

The Saleen Mustang slammed on its breaks in order to round a rather tight corner, sending Frenzy flying into the glass that separated the front seats from the back. He then began howling obscenities in Cybertronian until he was cut off when Barricade made a hard left and sent the ‘con into the left door’s paneling.

As far as Frenzy was concerned in reference to the ambiguity, he helped to create an environment where all those involved felt uneasy and uncertain by refusing to give them the information they wanted. There were several possible reasons for this. Frenzy could be clinging to a fierce sense of loyalty to his faction, or feel betrayed by Barricade and not want to talk or...or he didn’t know anything at all and he was leading them into a trap. Or, worse yet, he didn’t know anything at all and they were going nowhere for nothing.

“Barricade?” Natalie had her eyes closed and was sitting with her hands folded neatly in her lap.

“What is it, fleshling?” His voice was not kind, but it wasn’t cold either. Though his hologram never looked away from the road they were screaming down, he knew that she was fully aware he was using optic feeds to watch her.

Number two: Natalie

Sure, her motives were straight forward enough. She wanted to save her friends and make sure her father was alright, but would she give in to Frenzy’s constant stream of temptation? Unlikely, although she did seem pretty fragged off at Optimus for plotting things centered around her without bothering to fill her in. If there was one thing her beating him down with a baseball bat had taught him, it was that a fragged off female was an irrational female. Still, she had shown unwavering loyalty to the Autobot leader even when she was having acid poured down her back and that made Barricade inclined to believe she was above Frenzy’s pettiness.

No, the real question with Natalie was not whether she’d betray the Autobots because of an apparent distrust issue, it was what she’d do once they found her friends. Would she turn them back over to her friends who would in turn protect him from the wrath of his former comrades, or give him up to the Decepticons knowing full well what would happen to him once Frenzy squealed about his unofficial defecting.

Somehow, he doubted she’d leave him in their clutches.

Natalie interrupted his thoughts with a string of complaints. “I understand that we’re in a hurry, and that flinging Frenzy all around the back is your way of ‘interrogating’ him, but the siren is giving me a headache and if you keep zipping around corners like this I’m going to be sick soon.” She groaned.

“You will not eject any sort of organic fluids on my interior!” He shouted at her, this time bothering to project the image of his hologram turning to point a threatening finger at her.

“No, I won’t, as long as you slow down a little you scrap heap!” She opened her eyes to glare daggers at him.

“Oh, I see, the little half-breed feels ill? You want me to accommodate you? Fine.” Barricade slammed on his brakes and switched off the siren and lights. Both Natalie and frenzy began screaming obscenities in multiple languages (Natalie surprising him with some very interesting curses in his native language...she probably learned them from Ratchet who was once revered amongst academy students for his epic swearing fits).

“Let’s see, what’s the speed limit on this road? Ah, 55 kilometers per hour.” Barricade intoned, mock sweetly. He then turned to Natalie with a charming smile and added, “That’s about 35 miles per hour in case you were wondering. I’ve read that you Americans don’t bother to memorize your conversion tables.”

“Barricade, what the hell is your problem?” Natalie was a little scared at this point, and he couldn’t really blame her on account of his being number three in the cause for ambiguity. The main reason for that being that neither Natalie nor Frenzy knew what his motives were, whose side he was really on, whether or not he really was as in love with her as everyone else thought and if he was in fact head over heels for her how far gone he was and how it would effect his behavior.

The truth was, although Barricade was well aware what side he was on, he wasn’t quite so sure about anything else and if he wasn’t busy being mad at his fleshling, he might have taken a second or two to let his processor focus on how attractive she was when she was torn between concern, fear and anger.

“What’s my problem? My problem is you. You’re uncomfortable and I just can’t have that my little meat bag.” He reached out to pinch her cheek condescendingly. “So we’ll slow down and take our sweet time getting to the battlefield. Never mind your allies who are trapped Primus knows where, waiting for you to come rescue them. Never mind your lovers who may or may not be lying amongst the rubble deactivated. Never mind all your brothers-in-arms who have been hit during the firefight and lay dying, writhing in pain waiting for help that may never become because dear Ratchet is so overloaded with patients already that he simply can’t get there in time without letting others die because there are no other medics around. No, no, you’re nauseous. You’re suffering from a headache, so I’ll slow down and switch off the siren so you can feel a little better as we wander on down toward the border, hoping that Frenzy will find the strength to tell us what he knows out of the good of his spark.”

Natalie was gaping at him, positively shocked. She opened and closed her mouth a few times and then turned away. When she looked back at him there were tears in her eyes and her face was flushed with fury. “If you’re implying that I think I’m more important than any of those men out there you are way off line!” She took the time to inform him, volume increasing from a dangerous snarl to an angry shout.

“I’m not implying anything. I will not hold it against you if you don’t understand the sacrifices you will be required to make in battle. You did not attend the academy in Iacon and you have not endured the rigors of our training. More often than not, the needs of the medic must come before the needs of the soldier, but not tonight.” Barricade threw the siren back on and took off like a shot down the road. Natalie turned away from him and used her shirt sleeve to wipe away her tears. He could feel through the bond that she was full up with worry and misery. He regretted being so short with her, but knew it was necessary to get his point across. This was war after all. Being polite wouldn’t do anyone much good. Still...

He reached out to touch her arm, just barely brushing his fingertips against her. “If you feel sick, go into recharge.”

She shook her head. “I’m too anxious for sleep.” Tears leaked down her cheeks as she curled in on herself. He felt a strong need for comfort coming from her, a sort of desperation that rolled off her in waves. It was making him feel sick, knowing how awful she felt and that there was nothing he could do about it. Humans were such odd creatures, in their need to be reassured through physical means that there were others to offer them moral support. Hugging, kissing, engaging in sexual intercourse...there were many ways to offer physical support and it seemed every human preferred something different.

Would it be inappropriate to offer her the much needed support after berating her just a few moment prior? Probably. But she was desperate and he could sense that she felt his own unease and was reluctantly hoping he’d initiate some sort of contact.

“I won’t have you brooding, Fleshling.” He cast her a sidelong glance and retracted her seatbelt.

“What are you doing?” Her voice shook slightly and she wiped away the tears he knew she was humiliated to shed.

“Tears are a human method of reducing stress levels when overwhelmed by emotions. They are not the sign of weakness you believe I see them as. However, your sniffling is distracting.” He paused before continuing, working up the power to keep his voice sounding indifferent. “You require a comforting gesture to ease your anxiety. Come closer.”

Frenzy made a sound of distaste behind them, but was ignored.

Natalie stared at him for a moment, unsure whether or not to trust him. He felt her reach through their bond to probe his conscious and ensure he wasn’t planning on harming her somehow. When she was satisfied with her findings she very, very slowly moved out of the passenger seat and closer to him.

Barricade hesitantly (not to mention awkwardly) wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her closer. She was just as hesitant to rest her head on his chest, but she did.

“At our current velocity I estimate we will arrive in Springfield within two hours.” He informed her softly.

“Two hours?! How fast are you going?” Natalie frowned.

“Very fast.” He smirked a little. “If there is anything more you require from me, do not hesitate to ask...unless it’s as stupid as the last few requests you’ve made.”

“Food is not a stupid request.” She rolled her eyes.

“I disagree.”

“Of course you would, worthless scrap heap.”

“Over-confident little half-breed.”

“You’re just calling me that because you resent me.”

“Oh? Really?”

“Yeah. I’m getting overloaded by two incredibly hot bots on a nightly basis, and you have to spend all your time in a little cell.”

Barricade laughed maliciously. “How little you know fleshling. I’m getting overloaded on a nightly basis vicariously through you.”

“WHAT??” Natalie’s head shot up. “You’re lying.

He gave her a smug look and casually commented, “If I was then how could I know that Ironhide is quite the demanding lover, coercing you into two or three interfaces every time you meet?”

“Disgus-gusting.” Frenzy groaned from the backseat.

“Oh,” Barricade’s eyes lit up as though he had suddenly remembered something important. “And Ratchet particularly enjoys it when you use your tongue to-“

“Stop! Stop, I get it!” Natalie huffed, indignant. “Pervert.”




“Am not!” She cried out defensively.

“You’re right. Insatiable is more like it.” He nodded.

Natalie groaned and let her head drop back down on his chest. “I don’t get you. One minute you’re yelling at me, the next your cuddling with me, and then you make fun of me. Can’t you just make up your mind?”

“I could, but you’re much more entertaining when you’re frustrated and confused.”

“...I hate you.”

Barricade gazed down at her. The crying had stopped, her eyes were closed and one hand rested on his chest while the other lay on his hip. He sighed, feeling rather hopeless. “I hate you too.”

“I hate you more.” She murmured, sounding as though she were drifting off to sleep.


“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” She whispered.

“Exactly what you think it means.” He spoke softly, waiting for her to fall unconscious.

“Ugh. You love me, you hate me, you don’t care at all about me...your behavior is always so...oh, what’s the word?”


“Yeah. That.”

“You’re no less confusing.” He told her. “Maybe if you make up your mind I’ll make up mine.”


Barricade laughed bitterly inside. She had no idea how doubtful it was her decision would affect his; he’d already made it.

poster: speechie42, oc, rated pg-13 (07-08), fanfiction 2008 (winter), barricade (07-08)

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