
Jan 15, 2008 22:47

Okay, this hasn't been looked over by a beta, so if it sucks forgive me ^_^;

Title: Cybernetics (chapter 35)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ironhide/Ratchet/OC, Barricade/OC, Ratchet/Prime if you squint
Summary: Some entirely unexpected things occur!
Warnings: Brief but graphic holo-sex, referrences to mech-sex
Disclaimer: Don't own. Making no money.

Chapter 35: Surprise!

It had started off innocent enough with Natalie leaning against Ironhide’s chest while Ratchet worked on the muscles in her back. But of course, anything involving Ironhide and nudity would result in some hot sex. That was probably why she was draped across his lap with her tongue down his throat and Ratchet biting her neck from behind. ‘Hide let his hands drop down to her ass and ground up into her. The medic didn’t seem to appreciate this action since it forced her hips farther away from his. He made his feelings known by yanking her away from his lover and laying her back in the tub prior to climbing on top of her.

“You’ve been paying too much attention to Ironhide and no attention to me.” He growled.

“If you felt neglected you should have said so.” Ironhide murmured, pressing up against his partner’s back.

“Back off, this doesn’t concern you.” Ratchet shot over his shoulder. “This is about me, my student and how she’s been keeping all her soft,” He kissed her neck, “warm,” He bit her lower lip, “curvy,” Ratchet’s hands ran up her body to cup her breasts, “organic parts to herself.”

“And me.” Ironhide added. “And Barricade.”

“Ah, no. Not Barricade. Definitely not Barricade.” Natalie was quick to correct her guardian. At the looks they both gave her she amended the statement, “...well, recently anyways.”

“I don’t care who’s had you. I’m having you now.” Ratchet whispered seductively, pressing on her knees to spread her legs apart. The feeling of the hot water from the bath against her previously unexposed sex sent shockwaves of pleasure through her body and drew a gasp from her. He settled down on top of her and kissed her deeply. Natalie moaned and drew him in closer.

One hand snuck down to tweak her clit so that she was left in the very compromising position of arching up and crying out softly when the door burst open to reveal a very anxious looking Jazz. His expression changed from desperation to something a bit more primal when he took in the scene. Aware that she probably didn’t want Jazz to see her the way she was currently splayed out, Ratchet gathered her in his arms and pulled her up slightly to better cover her body with his. He glared, clearly displeased with being interrupted. “Can we help you?”

Jazz snapped back to reality with a jolt. “There’s been an attack. We’re mobilizing all available troops. Optimus has requested Ironhide be down in the hangar ready to roll out ASAP. You too Ratchet; Prowl predicts heavy damage on both sides.”

“An attack where?” Ironhide asked before switching off his hologram. From the other room came the sound of his transforming.

Jazz cut off his projection as well, but Natalie still heard him reply, “Springfield, Michigan.”

The fact that she went tense and stared in shock at the doorway where Jazz had been was probably what kept Ratchet from dissolving and transforming himself. He pulled her up into a sitting position began stroking her hair in a calming manner. “What is it?”

“That’s where I’m from.” She answered. “That’s where my dad lives. My friends too. Ratchet...what’s happening?”

The medic hauled her to her feet and guided her out into the bedroom where she pulled on some jeans and a sweatshirt without bothering to dry off first. “If I knew I’d tell you.” He sighed, now fully clothed.

“I don’t understand why Optimus would keep us in the dark.” Natalie pulled on a pair of Adidas trainers and slipped her ID into her back pocket.

“You overheard that?” Ratchet pinched the bridge of his nose to signal his exasperation. She supposed he’d been studying body language as a form of communication on account of his relying on it so heavily recently. “We’ve got to get better about using the comm link when you’re around.”

“No shit.” She scoffed. Sobering, she grabbed his arms to stop him from joining Ironhide and Jazz in the adjoining room. She leaned in to whisper to him. “I might be able to figure out what’s going on, I just need to get Barricade alone.”

Ratchet thought about this for a moment, then grabbed her hand to drag her into the other room. Once inside, his hologram faded to nothing and his passenger side door opened invitingly. Natalie climbed inside and the four headed out the door.

“What good will you being alone with Barricade do?” Came Ratchet’s disembodied voice within the cab.

Natalie explained to her trainer how he’d been right when he’d theorized that Optimus had ordered the guard on her room be removed to someone could sneak in, specifically Barricade. She then told him about what Barricade had told her about the Decepticons wanting information from her and her own theory that the former ‘Con had been in on the whole thing. “He showed me how to use our bond to find out if he was lying. I can use it to see if he knows anything we don’t.”

“Ironhide and I are due in the hangar to be ready for deployment in twenty minutes. I’ve already told Optimus I have to stop in the med bay for supplies. I’ll drop you off there and you can make your way to the brig. All available units are being shipped out so there won’t be a guard but there will be locks. I can hack the system and get you security clearance so you can get in.”

“Wow. Ironhide is right. You are mischievous.” Natalie laughed softly. “What if I’m seen?”

“As long as you don’t let anyone like Prowl or Wheeljack see you you’ll be fine. Just don’t draw attention to yourself.” Ratchet made the turn that would take them to the med bay and opened the door so she could climb out.

“Aren’t you coming in?” She asked.

“No. I already have everything I need.”

Natalie draped herself over his hood in an awkward hug. “Give Ironhide a kiss for me, and tell him not to get shot. You be safe too.”

“You too.” Ratchet started backing away, and then stopped. “Natalie?”

“Yeah?” She took a step forward to place a reassuring hand on one of his many headlights.

“Be careful around Barricade, but remember you don’t have to be too careful.” He advised her.

Natalie frowned, confused. “What?”

Ratchet’s projector whirred to life and he materialized before her. Her lover took her in his arms and looked into her eyes to indicate his seriousness. “Ironhide doesn’t approve, but Ironhide can’t make all your decisions for you. If you want to...explore your bond with him or...other is perfectly acceptable by our social standards.”

Natalie shook her head, smiling slightly. “Be safe Ratchet.”

“You too.” The hologram disappeared and Ratchet sped off. Natalie watched him go then turned in the direction of the brig and started the process of sneaking down into its confines.


There had been seven explosions in all.

So far.

Their mother had yet to arrive home from work and Don was busy trying to decide if he should venture out of the basement to e-mail Natalie or stay where he knew it was safe.

There were occasional screams coming from outside and though the explosions had stopped there were a lot of crashing cars and what sounded like buildings coming down. There was gunfire too. It had Micha curled up in his arms sobbing and him feeling helpless.

It had to be a terrorist attack of some kind. This much he had decided. That meant the military was already there or would get there soon. That meant Natalie might know something about what was going on or be able to tell him where to go to get to safety.


He wasn’t really sure how the military chain of command worked, but it sounded like she was doing some high security stuff which meant she had to have a fairly high rank, right?

“Micha.” He whispered.

“Yeah?” Her tearstained face pressed into his neck and her arms wrapped tighter around him.

“I’m going to go upstairs and try calling Natalie.”

“No! What if there are terrorists and they see you and come inside and kill-?!”

He slapped a hand over her mouth to cut her off. “Shhhh. It’s going to be okay. No one will see. I’ll sneak up there okay?”

“I’m coming with you.” Micha resolved, standing.

Don sighed heavily. “Mich...”

“Donald Watanabe, I am nineteen-years-old. I can decide things for myself.” She leaned into her hip and crossed her arms over her chest in a way that said there was no arguing.

They both knew she was going to get her way, so Don just sighed again and led the way. As they made their way into his room, there came a scream from outside which was cut short by the screech of tires and the sound of metal crunching against metal. Micha’s hand found his and he squeezed it reassuringly.

It seemed to take an eternity to get through the eerily silent and dark house to his room. The computer was horribly loud in the quiet, much like the pounding of their hearts.

Is there a phone number I can reach you at? It’s an emergency. Life or death.


Natalie was relieved to get the message; at least he was okay enough to type right? Still, she was scared.

No, but help is on the way. Stay put for now wherever you are. I’ll be in touch. She replied hurriedly, then peered around the corner to ensure no one was guarding the brig.

The hallway was empty. Ratchet had been right.

Do you know what’s going on? Don was asking in his next e-mail.

Sort of. I don’t have any specifics. Just hide and don’t approach anyone you don’t know who is in a vehicle or wants you to get in a vehicle. And I mean NO ONE. Not even the police. Not even the military. NO ONE. Do you understand?

Natalie double checked the hallway was clear and that no one was coming before she made a break for the brig doors. Ratchet hadn’t been kidding when he said they would be locked. There were bars covering the doors and the display screen where personnel had to scan their ID cards to get in had the words “Access will be granted to security personnel ONLY!” in big red letters. Natalie took a deep breath and removed her ID from her pocket to scan it, praying that Ratchet would have had time to give her clearance by now.

The bars over the door slid away for her to enter as her ID was cleared. She thanked God silently and entered as Don’s next message came through. Don’t go near cars? Why? Are they what the bombs are loaded in?

She didn’t have time to play twenty questions like this. Especially with Barricade just a few feet away and staring at her quizzically.

Just do as I say and don’t get in a car with anyone unless you check with me first. Look, I’m really busy so just get inside, keep your head down, and don’t e-mail me again unless you’re leaving or someone wants to take you somewhere.

“Fleshling.” Barricade greeted her. Frenzy said nothing, just stared at her with loathing.

“’Cade, do you know what’s going on?” She inquired.

“Yes, Prime came down here to debrief me personally.” Barricade sneered.

“Sarcasm is not appreciated.” Natalie glared, closing and locking the door. “The Decepticons have attacked a city in Michigan.”


“It’s the town where I live.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

“Work with me you scrap heap!” She shouted at him. “My friends are in danger and I want to know if your buddies are there because they know it’s where I’m from or if it’s just a coincidence!”

“And you believe I know this because...?” He clearly did not appreciate her insinuation that he was a part of what was happening.

“So you don’t know anything?” Natalie approached his cell to ask.

“Nothing.” He shook his head.

She groaned and fell to her knees, physically exhausted and tired of not knowing what the hell was going on. Her dad was army reserve so he’d probably be called in to help evacuate people which meant he’d be relatively safe. Safer than Donnie, Micha and Amika anyway. It was those three she was worried about.

“I felt a wave of betrayal from you earlier.” Barricade informed her. “Did you believe I had something to do with this?”

“No. I felt betrayed because Optimus set us up.” She sighed, gazing up at him. “Ironhide too.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean yesterday when all the Senior officers responsible for my well being suddenly disappeared on a ‘mission’ and Prowl just ‘forgot’ to schedule guard duty for someone outside Jazz’s quarters despite my being held there for the very serious crime of assault. They wanted to give you an opportunity to come to me.” She laughed bitterly. “I actually came here to see if you’d been in on it.”

“I was not.” He told her, indignant. “It does explain why Prowl left us alone and why the shield that prevents my hologram from forming was turned off. Come to think of it, it also explains why the order to have my holomatter projector dismantled and removed was revoked.”

“They wanted us to talk.” She nodded.

“Any idea why?”

“No, but it’s very top secret whatever it is. Ironhide can’t even tell Ratchet.”

The two sat in silence for a moment before Natalie jumped up and slammed her fist on a control panel in frustration. “Dammit! I’m right back where I started!”

Barricade watched as Natalie threw her fit and sat down heavily in a nearby chair. “I am so tired of not being in control of anything! First my own government squirrels me away underground for an experimental alien transplant surgery I didn’t authorize, now the aliens who I found more trustworthy than my government are using me to get information out of you...or using you to test my reliability...fuck! I don’t know!”

“Autobots are unreliable.” Frenzy suddenly spoke up, surprising both Barricade and Natalie. “You never know when they’ll b-b-back stab you. But Decepticons can never back stab you, because you’d ne-ne-never be stupid enough to trust one completely-ly.”

“Er...I guess you’re right.” Natalie frowned at the mini con, then looked to Barricade for help.

“What are you getting at?” The Saleen asked.

Frenzy ignored his partner. “Set us free, we’ll take you to St-Starscream, you tell him everything you know and we’ll spare your friends.” The silver mechanoid promised.

“Yeah?” Natalie raised an eyebrow. “How about I come over there and deactivate you instead?”

“Everyone you know is going to die.” Frenzy seemed unphased by her threat. “And then we’ll get our hands on you, and when we do I’ll enjoy torturing you methodi-di-dically.”

“You will not touch her.” Barricade growled. “No harm will come to this female.”

Frenzy didn’t look like he was quite sure how to respond.

“What do you know about the attack? Is it aimed to try and capture her?” Barricade asked. Frenzy just stared. “Reply!”

“Traitor!” Frenzy replied, pointing an accusatory finger. “Autobot scum!”

Barricade turned to Natalie and kneeled to better address her. “Fleshling, you say you are tired of not being in control. Open our cells. We will escape this base and make our way to your point of origin in Springfield. Frenzy will talk eventually and when he does we will have the information we need.”

“What?! Are you crazy?!” Natalie gaped at him, wide-eyed. “No way am I setting that over-energized ball of violent tendencies free!” She gestured to Frenzy. Lifting her shirt up she traced the scars said mini con had cut into her. “Do you see these?! Do you think I’ll risk that happening again?!”

“Natalie,” Barricade spoke her name softly. She slowly lowered her shirt and gazed up at him. She looked into him and found that he was filled with an odd, reluctant sort of devotion. “No harm shall come to you. If you want to ensure the same for your friends then open these cells.”

She stared at him for one long moment before making her decision.


It had only taken a few hours to arrive in Michigan. When they did the troops were immediately ordered to transform into their alt modes and set up both defensive and offensive attack groups.

Ratchet approached Ironhide and embraced him tightly. The medic would be stationed on the outskirts of town, a safe enough distance away from the action to perform the delicate surgeries that would surely be required all too soon. Ironhide, on the other hand, would be in the heart of the chaos.

“This is from Natalie.” He whispered, leaning up to kiss him tenderly, something they’d never tried in mech form. It was surprisingly pleasurable. After they broke apart he added, “And this is from me.” Ratchet launched himself at his lover and Ironhide nearly fell over from the sudden shift in weight.

“As soon as this is over, I’m going to bond your spark to mine.” Ironhide promised, holding his partner tightly. “I wish I’d done it sooner.”

“We could do it now.” Ratchet suggested tentatively.

Ironhide chuckled. His hands roamed to Ratchet’s chest plates and he caressed some more sensitive circuitry enticingly. “No. There’s not nearly enough time. When I bond with you, I want to do it right. The way that takes hours.”

Ratchet moaned softly and clung tighter to his lover. “I don’t want to see you until after the battle is over. No injuries. None. Do you hear me?”

“I hear ya.” Ironhide moved his hands to a slightly less provocative position and gave Ratchet a chaste kiss. “That’s for Natalie in case you see her before me, and this is for you in case...well, just in case.”

Ratchet open his mouth to protest what the larger of the two was insinuating, but Ironhide merely used it against him to instigate a passion-filled kiss that made both their sparks burn a little hotter and caused Ratchet to go weak in the knees. And then, suddenly, Ironhide was pulling away from the kiss and disappearing out on the road into Springfield.

Ratchet sighed.

“I’ll bring him home in one piece.” Optimus placed a reassuring hand on Ratchet’s shoulder.

“Impossible.” The medic sighed. “He’s too old for this sort of thing. The replacement parts don’t hold so well as they used to. Just try and bring him home in less than ten pieces and I’ll be satisfied.”

“I’ll do my very best.” He promised, smiling slightly.

“And you,” Ratchet prodded their leader in the chest. “You come back in as few pieces as possible too.”

“I make no guarantees.”

“Well I do, and I’ll guarantee that the more parts I have to fix the more likely my fingers might slip under certain plates of armor while I’m reassembling you.” Ratchet’s voice was heavy with suggestion and Optimus felt the need to change the subject quickly.

“My real reason for coming over here was to inform you that there was a security breach. Barricade has escaped with Frenzy and Natalie is nowhere to be found. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”

“Escaped?! I can assure you I’m just as shocked as you are.” Ratchet lied rather obviously.

“When she contacts you, make sure it’s on a secure channel.” Optimus warned.

“Yes Sir.”

“We’ll discuss this more later.”

“Yes Sir.” He bowed his head, effectively scolded.

“Don’t worry too much about Ironhide. He’s very capable. I have faith he’ll return to you safely.”

“Yes Sir.” Ratchet watched his superior transform and race into the fray that could be heard clearly even three miles away.

ironhide/ratchet, poster: speechie42, fanfiction 2008 (winter), rated nc-17, barricade (07-08), ratchet (07-08), ironhide (07-08)

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