Fic: Not Yet Gone by SBX

Dec 20, 2007 23:20

Title: Not Yet Gone
Author: SBX
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Bluestreak, Sunny and Sides, First Aid, Perceptor, Hound, Arcee, Springer
Pairings: ProwlxJazz
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU, angst and fluff
Disclaimer: No character used in this story belongs to me.
Summary: This is how things should have gone.
A/N: G1 fic. Done for the prowlxjazz Christmas challenge. Not quite a Christmas fic, but it fits all four prompts so it must count for something…Like the summary said this is how the ’86 movie should have ended.

You know you want this to really happen.

x-posted at prowlxjazz

prowl/jazz, poster: sbx, g1, perceptor, sideswipe, prowl, hound, bluestreak, first aid, rated pg, jazz, arcee, fanfiction 2007 (autumn), sunstreaker

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