Tight El : OLOBA: The Light Was Yellow, Sir. (22)
By Cazcatharsis
Rated R for language, innuendo, violence, and whatever else my warped brain comes up with.
Note: The continuation of Our Lady Of Blessed Acceleration, begun at Chapter 21.
Disclaimer: I do not own de transfo'mers, o' de movies, beats, o' video games ah' quote droughout dis fic. Duzn't sue me, I'm unemployed and ya''ll dig nodin' but mah' dust collecshun. Biz-itch!
Characters: Ensemble, Frenzy and Malena (OFC) POVs.
Feedback: Loved, but not compulsory. I hate begging authors.
Previous Chapter:
Twenty One CAR WASH! :D
I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So... pretty please, with sugar on top... clean the f*ckin' car. ~ Pulp Fiction