...One Big Happy Family!...

Nov 15, 2007 01:13

What have I done? D:

(More than they Too many may appear)


*Better names, please!

Name: [Megascream]
Alias/Nicknames: ‘Whitey’, ‘Whites’
Parents: Megatron & Starscream [G1]

It’s not that he’s stupid, just that he’s usually uncertain of himself. He grew up with parents that were at each other’s throats more often than not after all. While he doesn’t run screaming into battle, he has absorbed his father’s intellect on the battlefield and his mother’s way of expressing displeasure with body language. He may be indecisive in how to get it, but usually he knows exactly what he wants.

As he was born into the Decepticons, Megatron has had a larger role in his life compared to Optitron, his elder half-brother.

Due to his… odd.. appearance and likeness to his father, Starscream wasn’t what you would call ‘openly affectionate’. Starscream does care for him, somewhat, but would rather not look at his first child or lay a hand on him if it can be helped. This led to Megascream’s almost obsession with getting his mother’s attention. He seems to have a ‘normal’ relationship with his other parent and older half-brother. (‘Normal’ is used loosely)He pays slightly more attention to his younger half-sibling because he too has wings (and they share the same mom).

In robot mode, he has a copy of father’s fusion cannon which he can attach to his back. It’s not as powerful as Megatron’s though.

Alt-mode: Seeker jet, with fusion lasers and the ability to have short bursts of speed from time to time.


Name: [Optitron Pax]
Alias/Nicknames: ‘Op’, ‘Opti’, ‘Pax’
Parents: Megatron & Optimus Prime [G1]

Optitron is usually… confused. With his parents, you can guess why. Like Megascream, he often takes some time to deliberate before taking action, but this is due to having to decide whose advice he should follow.

He has a firm belief in justice… but has no qualms in slaughtering masses to achieve it. You can see how Megatron & Prime came together on this one. As a result, Optitron is capable of quite brutal things in the name of ‘good’, but what is ‘right’ in his mind is very much subject to his point of view. Fortunately, Optitron has a relatively high moral standard.

In a fist fight with Megascream, his younger half-brother, he is actually more likely to lose, as Megascream implements more technique while fighting in general. They are about equal in strength, and Optitron isn’t bad at battle strategies either. As the eldest Optitron looks after his half-siblings rather well, but he can sometimes be overbearing. He tends to shoulder the most responsibility of the three, though Megascream is almost as capable. He has a soft spot for his youngest brother.

In robot mode, he has what seems to be a copy of his father’s fusion cannon on his arm which is detachable. However, his cannon tends to fire in rapid, compressed, singular bursts, like Prime’s rifle does. It’s faster and more powerful than Megascream’s, but still less powerful than either of his parents’ weapons.

Alt-mode: Optitron actually has no discernable alt-mode as of yet, and attempting to transform is highly uncomfortable for the mech. He more than makes up for it in commanding authority though.


Name: [Sceratron]
Alias/Nicknames: ‘Scer’, ‘Scera’, ‘Scery’, ‘Horns’
Parents: Megatron & Starscream [Armada]

Generally more reserved than his peers, Sceratron does have a mean streak that surfaces if you poke around for it. It’s no doubt something he picked up from his father, whom he looks up to a great deal. He specializes in hand-to-hand combat, and combines both strength and technique in a fight. He’s physically stronger than Megascream, and generally better with techniques, and only Optitron can match his strength. He seems to have some sort of interest in their younger brother.

(I think he meets the trio after a time glitch. Am deciding on whether he meets the eldest two first, the third born after he arrives, or if he meets them all at once.)

He’s often wondered about the mother he’s never met, and after numerous tries in younger years, has given up on asking Megatron. He still has an insatiable need to know though.

Alt-mode: Cybertronian jet, with one retractable laser cannon (also available in robot mode), and the horns kinda… I think they can charge and power some sort of laser shot. I dunno. >.>;

(Horns cannot, and will not be detached & used as chopsticks)


Name: [Orion Star]
Alias/Nicknames: ‘Strax’, ‘Bubblehead’
Parents: Optimus Prime & Starscream [G1]

Like his elder siblings, Strax is not stupid… though he is a bit of an airhead. He tends to think more than punch, and is curious and questioning. He loves his mother a great deal, and surprisingly, Starscream hasn’t tried to force Decepticon ways on his second child… much. He loves his father just the same, despite seeing more of Optimus than he does of Starscream. Like Optitron, parental custody is a subject he’d rather avoid.

While Optitron agonizes over which parent he would want the most (he’s surprisingly accepting, and somewhat admires Megatron’s ways, despite growing up among Autobots), Strax is content with things the way they are now. He lives mostly with the Autobots (Starscream does love Strax, and is less cold with him than he is with Megascream, but really… he doesn’t want children around him full-time), but flits between the Ark and the Nemesis as it suits him. Megatron tolerates his presence. Prime has many a time tried to get Strax to stop wandering into enemy territory to see his mom when he wants to, but he’s not very successful. Strax may sometimes be the source of strange wisdom.

Alt-mode: Seeker jet, with mounted laser rifles and above-average speed.


Name: [Turantega]
Alias/Nicknames: ‘Bug, ‘Insect,‘Nerd,‘Fluffy’(Strax’s fault)
Parents: Megatron & Tarantulas [Beast Wars]
The product of an unfortunate one-night stand, his presence officially creeps Megatron out. Tarantulas is quite okay with him though, especially since Turantega shares his passion for highly-explosive, unethical science. As such, much of his childhood was spent with Tarantulas, and being avoided by Megatron. Turantega doesn’t really care for his father’s aversion, and while he acknowledges his sire intellectually, emotionally he wouldn’t give a Rattrap’s ass.

His natural curiousity was largely directed at Black Arachnia in his childhood, and she was the target of many of his madcap experiments. He has sort of outgrown that interest, and now usually just explosively coats her in unknown substances for fun.

He enjoys Strax’s company, as the seeker’s natural curiosity and interest in learning complements his own. Turantega pretty much ignores the suspicion of Strax’s elder-siblings.

(Wait, how does he meet the kids? Let’s do the time warp agaaaiiin~ )

In robot mode, he has a similar laser cannon hidden in his beast mode head, and a smaller, concealed one inside the tail. It’s not as powerful as his father’s, but his experimenting has allowed him to change the nature of his ammunition to some extent.

(Note: Concealed cannon cannot be activated in Beast Mode. TF!Blast-ended skrewts. DO NOT WANT.)

Alt-mode: A... thing. Like… lop off the arms and legs of a T-rex and attach spider legs… yeah. He uses this form for low cave exploration, and the ends of his two front legs can separate to form small claws. As such, two of his front limbs act as arms in beast mode. (He can stab people with them. Pretty scary, actually.)

..*Brain-breakage. Lots & lots of brain-breakage*

Are you guys okay with the names? Megascream is the one I kinda.. yeah.Not original at alllll... D:

(& yes, not chronological at all, but a revamp of Sceratron & a pic of Strax will be up sometime. Just had to post this first. >.>; )

Somebody help me with character sheets? Plz?


megatron/optimus, starscream/optimus, megatron/starscream, crack, beast wars

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