Giants of the Earth, Chapter 33 AND 34

Sep 22, 2016 17:46

These chapters have fewer explosions and more conversations--plus a confrontation or two--as the fallout continues, and plot threads are slowly resolved ...

Title: Giants of the Earth, Chapter 33 and Chapter 34
Author: hopeofdawn and fractalserpent
Rating: PG-13
Verse: Bayverse/movieverse
Characters/Pairing: this chapter--the Giant, Bumblebee, Megatron, Optimus Prime, Sunstreaker, Springer, Soundwave, and many, many other ensemble characters ....

Warnings/Notes:Takes place after DOTM, with minor tweaks to movieverse events/characters (so there are minor spoilers for the third movie). Most of the characterizations will be taken more from G1--especially Optimus, who is *not* the 'kill 'em all, let Primus sort 'em out' character he is in the movies. Most of the onscreen 'deaths' of Decepticons and Autobots have also fallen victim to authorial override--see the fic for details. Mild warnings for threats of violence and hatchling chaos. :D

White Aster was an awesome beta, and was great in pointing out things we missed--as always, all remaining mistakes are our own. :)

That same fallout, still in the atmosphere, meant no human-made technology stood a chance at peering through the murk to follow the battle raging over southern Nevada. All NEST could do was listen to stories told by exhausted, frightened survivors: of how passing ships flipped vehicles over like toys in their wake, endless lines of evacuees along highways ignored in favor of distant Autobot targets. Of driving under shadows that blotted out the sun for thirty miles. Of watching the horizon light up with incandescent, eye-searing flares of light, the sky glowing green and white, their very bones vibrating as the earth below quaked and shook.

Cross-posted to transficsation

mirage, crossover, frenzy, optimus prime, humans, decepticons, cliffjumper, megatron, rated pg-13, ravage, autobots, soundwave, collaboration

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