Negotiation, Chapter 4 Author: fractalserpent, hopeofdawn
Rating: R/NC-17 (this chapter is PG-13, though)
Verse: Bayverse/movieverse, with some G1 additions
Characters/Pairing: this chapter--Soundwave, Sundor, and Maggie Madsen
Warnings/Notes:This is an AU off of our 'Sound and Fury' verse, in which the Autobot/Decepticon civil war never happened, and Cybertronians have found *ahem* unique new uses for humans. The rape/noncon archive warning is for the overall themes of this story-verse, which is neck deep in consent issues. We'll continue to use this archive warning on every installment due to the nature of the story-verse. Please heed the warnings if this isn't your thing.
“Rust-humping… son of a toaster --ugh!-- skew-wheeled excuse for a bingled shag wagon--” Maggie aimed a frustrated kick at the cleaning drone. Heavily burdened, the machine wobbled a few skittering steps sideways, spidery legs going every which way. Catching its balance and possibly spotting a stain, the tabletop-with-legs tried to saunter off, its burden swaying precariously.
“Oh no you don’t -- dammit!” Maggie lunged, grabbed at one of the braided metal ropes she’d used to secure all her stuff to the creature’s back. Clicking and chirping like a demonic cuckoo clock, the cleaning drone staggered to a halt, shorter front legs waving disconsolately as Maggie hauled it back towards the lift. Cross-posted to