Title: A Spark, Remembrance
Story Arc: Coherent
Chapter Three
Verse: pre 2007, crazy big AU, but meshes TF:A, G1 and a bunch of different concepts I've absorbed through fanon
Rating: PG 13/T for violence
Genres: action, adventure
Characters: Prowl, Yoketron a bunch of OCs for plot related purposes
Disclaimer: Not mine
Warnings: vague mentions of torture, allusions to Yoketron possibly being a crazy evil bastard, reincarnation craziness and confusion, reincarnation craziness driving other characters slightly up the wall
Summary: In the darkness of Shockwave's lair, one lone Autobot unravels the truth of the war as he is forced to recall all incarnations of his existence
Previous chapters here:
Two Not everyone is delighted when Prowl finds a place he is willing to call home...