Adventures with Autobots, Chapter Nine

May 15, 2012 04:02

I've been so focused on my DOTM-based fics that I've neglected to update this story since the Christmas Special.  To make up for that, here's a light-hearted piece for you all to enjoy!

Story: Adventures with Autobots, Chapter 9
Chapter Title: I Feel Old
Rating: K+ (Just to be safe)
Characters: Will, Sarah, Annabelle, Ironhide, Bumblebee (mentioned), Sam(mentioned)
Pairings: Will/Sarah
Takes Place: One month before Revenge of the Fallen
Spoiler Warnings: Reading the novels/comics/seeing the movies helps.
Other Warnings: Kiddie Interaction
Teaser: Ironhide is charged with babysitting Annabelle Lennox for a short while. He thinks that after raising Bumblebee, watching a human child will be easy. Hoo, boy, Ironhide, are you in for a surprise.

Ironhide's usually gruff demeanor and reputation as a tough old warrior had made him the Autobot that the others thought was the least likely to form any close friendship with a human. But he had; his friendship with Will had started on the day he had given the human a lift back to his home; their discussions on the way to the Lennox home had made him discover a kindred spirit in the human-a soldier who also had a family he cared deeply about. And, through Will, Ironhide had become close to the immediate Lennox family-Will, of course, his wife, Sarah, and their now two-year-old daughter, Annabelle. At first, the humans weren't sure if the integration of a Transforming alien robot into their family would work (even though Bumblebee had proved it possible with his acceptance into the Witwicky family), it had actually turned out rather well. And now, two years after the Mission City incident, Ironhide was firmly a member of and guardian over the Lennox family.

Until Next Time,

bumblebee, sam witwicky, sarah lennox, ironhide, will lennox, lennox family, annabelle lennox, fanfiction 2011 (summer)

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