Sound and Fury, Part 1 Author: fractalserpent and hopeofdawn
Rating: PG-13 this chapter
Characters/Pairing: ensemble; Soundwave, Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, and Ratbat
Warnings/Notes:Soundwave-centric, this fic takes place in the same continuity as 'Giants of the Earth', but is set hundreds of thousands of years earlier, on prewar Cybertron. The character designs, for the most part, are movie-verse with the addition of G1 colors and a few minor modifications as needed.
A mech's life revolves around his function; to do what he was built for, sparked for. But Soundwave's function is no longer needed, and now he and his symbionts must fight for their survival as Cybertron slowly, inevitably, descends into war. Cross-posted to