And I bring... very little, sadly, for six months with painfully little to do. I blame the stress. ANYWHO, what I did bring back was a Glances detour, and maybe some other things that I've forgotten about and will find later and go OH YEAH.
Sae, shut up and stop rambling.
Title: Primary Analysis
Characters/pairings: The Primes, Jetfire, OCs, Megatron
Rating: PG - PG-13
Summary: Before the sample is taken, one should decide what will be analyzed for. The Prime Dynasty lives and fades.
Warnings: Human abuse in one chapter.
Notes: Primary Analysis is a short Glances sidepath following the Dynasty Primes, their history, and their journey since they left Cybertron. Mostly ignores the Defiance comics, even though I steal a few elements. This is my attempt to fill in the space between when the Primes left Cybertron in the really ancient past, but were on Earth only 25K years ago (not really that long by Cybertronian standards, maybe a few generations).
In summary, this is Jetfire's story.
Initial Sample Dual Plot Upswing Trend Fission Product Sample Point